I'm coming home

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I'm coming home
Luhan opens his eyes to see a big blackish mansion. In the middle of nowhere.

It was centered with a long driveway and a forest behind it. Gates going down from each side.

Luhan gasps at the big house, "You're rich?"

"Yeah I come from a Pureblood family, not all Purebloods are rich but I came from two rich families. The Blacks, and my inlaws The Malfoys"

"Lets go in"

Xiumin laughs, he grabs Luhan hand and guides him the large house.

Once they got in. Luhan looked around in awe.

Even though the house was run down and dusty. But not to dusty like it should have been if it was abandon. It was still beautiful with the furniture and decorations.

Xiumin flicks his wand. All the dust and spiderwebs disappeared.

Luhan walked over to the drapes and opened them up. Bringing in light to the dark house.

"It's been so long. Why does it seem like it was taken care of?"

Xiumin walks down a hallway, Luhan following. He turns into a room to see a small elf sleeping in a bed.

Luhan gasps at te tiny creature.

"Pinky, you're still here?"

The said elf looks up from her sleep, she just up and hugs Xiumin. "Oh master Pinky never left, Pinky stayed even after Mistress Andromeda died."

Xiumins sadly asks, "How did she die?"

"In her sleep"

Luhan smiles sadly at Xiumin.

"Luhan this is my house elf Pinky, Pinky this is Lu Han he'll be staying with us."

Pinky smiles, "hello master Lu, Pinky here to serve you."

Luhan smiles down at her. "Hello Pinky."

Xiumin smiles, "Pinky I'm going to give a tour to Luhan, can you buy something to eat tonight? I'll buy food tomorrow."

Pinky nods before apparating away.

"So is she like a slave?"

"Yes and no she's a house elf, elves back in the day were forced into slavery. They serve a family forever unless we provide them with clothing. Pinky enjoys being with me. I always give her time off. I don't abuse them like others."

Luhan nods. Xiumins walks into a large room that has a tree. With names and pictures. Most of the pictures have a cross next to the names. Luhan noticed his name and his picture of a head shot. He awes at it because it was moving. His head smiling at Xiumin's picture then looks a head at Luhan and then down and up back at Luhan.

"Xiumin why is my name on your wall?"

"This is the family tree. Your name is by mine because we are going to get married soon. Also since we are expecting mine name and your name have a Line connected."

He points at the line that was connect to a blank picture with the name under it. 'Baby Lu-Black'

Luhan smiles. He hugs Xiumin from behind. "I'm so happy to be here."


There was a knock on the door. They glanced at eachother before walking to the door.

Xiumin opens the door to see Kris and Seamus.

"KRIS! Seamus! How are you guys? Come in."

They walk into the living area and sit down.

"Hey Xiumin we heard you were home and had a boyfriend. I wanted to meet him and Seamus came to say hi."

Xiumin smiles, "Kris, Seamus, this is Luhan. Luhan this is Kris and Seamus friends of mine."


"So you go the house to yourselves?"

"Yeah Orginally Aunt Andromeda gave it to Tonks but since Tonks died I got the house."

"Yeah, so there's going to be a celebration at the Three Broomsticks later, want to come?"

"I can't, I'm pregnant so I don't think it will be a good idea."

Luhan smiles lovingly at his fiancé wrapping his arm his torso.

"Xiumin, what are you going to do about a job? You never completed your OWLs,"

"I know, I got an offer at St. Mungos, I'll be training after my pregnancy."

"Oh okay, I was wondering because some have to take their OWLs"


"Well we'll be going now. Leave you guys alone."
Have a good night
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