Family and Wonders

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Family and Wonders
Luhan impatiently shakes his leg as he sits.

Worrying about Xiumin. Baekhyun tried and tried to calm Luhan but nothing worked.

They heard a crack.

Baekhyun and Luhan turned to face the new people.

"Blaise? What are you doing here?" Tao asks.

"Xiumin has a surprise for Baekhyun"

Baekhyun scrunches his eyebrows in confusion.


Blaise nods before stepping out of the way.

Luhan stares at the tall boy with brown hair, with two babies in his arms. A sharp jaw.

Baekhyun stares at the boy. Confused. Then he gasps. Tears started to fall. "Baekhyun?"
Luhan says.

"Sehun?" Baekhyun says ignoring Luhan.

"It's me Baekhyun. How have you been?"

Baekhyun runs up to the boy and hugs him. They fell to the floor. Hugging eachother.

Chanyeol walks in. He notices the two. Luhan confused. "Who's that Chanyeol?"

"It's Sehun, Baekhyun younger brother, they haven't seen eachother in almost 8 years."

Luhan lets the information sink in. He looks around at Tao and remembers his words:

I want to see my family.

He looks at the witches and wizards in the room. The reunion, they haven't seen their friends or loved ones for almost 8 years.

He looked around the room. Which was being used for protection for the wizards that were slaves and some that were coming in. For shelter.

He looked until his eyes landed on the girl, Xiumins ex-fiancé Astoria, who was talking to a man. She burst into tears and started to cry from being told about the death of her older sister.

He realizes that Chen, Tao, Baekhyun, Chanyeol, and Xiumin all have family and friends that they haven't seen for almost 8 years and they could be dead.

All because a evil man wanted power.

His eyes went to Baekhyun who was holding his nephews for the first time, Sehun talking to Baekhyun about the kids, his husband Kai talking to Chanyeol.

Luhan just wonders is Xiumin okay.

Blaise walks up to Luhan. "Are you Luhan?"

Luhan turns to the boy, "yes, you are?"

Blaise sticks out his hand, "I'm Blaise Zabini, Xiumin and Dracos roommate at Hogwarts when we attended. We were in the Slytherian house."

"What's that?"

"Hogwarts is divided up in 4 houses named after the four founders of Hogwarts Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherian. Slytherian is the 'evil' house. Voldemort was in the house."

Luhan nods, "So you've seen Xiumin?"

"Yes, he's alright."

Luhan sighs in relief.

Baekhyun looks up at Luhan. "Luhan look!"

Luhan and Blaise stares down at the man with the two babies.

"This is Baekhyun jr. And this is Jakob"

Luhan smiles, "their beautiful, how old?"

Sehun smiles, "9 months"
Hearing this Baekhyun turns to Sehun, "You were just pregnant? And you were fighting?"

Sehun nods, "That was 9 months ago and they attacked our home, so we hid in Hogwarts. Even after I give birth we had to fight."

Kai sits down next to Sehun, and wraps his arms around Sehun's waist. He placed his hand on Sehun's stomach, rubbing softly. The shirt rided up to show a small bump poking out.

Baekhyun and Luhan notices this.

"Sehun how could you get pregnant again?"

Sehun stares at Baekhyun, "It's not Kai's."

Luhan gasp, "whose is it?"

"It was 4 months after I gave birth to the twins, we were attacked when I was in the shower, one of the death eaters had their way. And I don't have the heart to kill it."

Kai hugs Sehun, "shh Sehun, it's okay."

Baekhyun leans into Chanyeol who was sitting behind him.

It was quiet and that's all they need.
Harry ran from Hagrids arm, trying to shoot Nagini with a killing curse.

Xiumin runs with the Gryffindor sword, which he got from the sorting hat.

Chaos everywhere.

Harry and Voldemort found themselves in a dual.

Xiumin face to face with Nagini. Nagini jumped to attack Xiumin teeth bared. Xiumin reacted quickly slashing the snake in half.

Voldemort screamed, as Harry killed him.

Cheers were heard everywhere.

Xiumin gasps as the snake tooth was jammed in his arm. He pulls it out and falls backwards, landing in the hard cement.


But all he saw was black.
Goood nighhhht

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