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Enjoy. You all can thank me later.
I woke up and naturally started to stretch when I opened my eyes I realized I wasn't in my bed. I look to my side and see Minseok's arm wrapped around me, but what caught me off my surprise is that Minseok's hair was rapidly turning colors.

To different shades to bright colors. I smiled down at him. He was snoring softly but I thought it was cute. I try to sit up when I accidently bump Minseok and he jolts up.

His hair was black, green eyes, and pale porcelain skin. I awe at him, because he looked beautiful, I mean he always did, but this made him even more beautiful.

"Sorry I didn't mean to wake you up."

"It's okay I needed to get up anyway"

"Minseok, I like your look" he gives me a weird look, and then his faced changed.

As if he realization hit him. He ran to the bathroom, me following behind. He looked into the mirror. He looked at himself tensly.

All of a sudden he was back to brunet, with brown eyes and slightly tan.

"Sorry, I don't know why I always wake up like that."

"It's okay I liked it" he smiled weakly.

"Thanks for last night, I just have t seen him since last year, it's been awhile"

"It's okay I'm here for you" we stare at each other for awhile.

I noticed how dangerously close we are. He was looking at me as if he was searching for something.

Next thing I know is a pair a lips come crashing onto mine. I was shocked, reality hit me and I kissed back. He cupped my face as I grip his waist. I felt the tingles I felt the sparks the fireworks I felt everything coarse through my body, while I was kissing him. We pulled away, I blushed really hard.

"I like when you blush."

"I like when you do your magic" he smiles.

I give him a quick peck before asking, "What are we?"

He looks into my eyes, "Whatever you want"

"Will you be my boyfriend?" I ask.

"Sure" he smiles and we kiss again.

I smiled during the kiss. Nothing could ruin my happiness.
It's been two happy weeks since we've been dating.

I was walking down to Minseok room. I had just talked with my parent about me becoming king and doing all the preparations for the ceremony.

I walk finally get to his door, I knock a couple of times. The door opens by itself. I walk in to see Minseok in the kitchen.

Today was his day off usually he likes too cook and bake, during his time off.

"Hey Lu" he says.

"Hey Min" I walk up to him and give him a kiss on the cheek, he smiles.

"So how is everything going?"

"Good, can't wait to see how the room is going to look when it the ceremony, because I heard from Chen that you are in charge of it."

"I'm always in charge, all Purebreeds are usually in charge. Depending on the type of situation."

He puts his omelet that he was making on a plate. He hands me one.

"Here you go"

"Thanks" we sit down and enjoy the peace and quiet.

After eating, we set out plates on the table. He lays his head in my lap as I stroke his hair.

"Minseok? Can I ask you a question?"

"Sure go right ahead"

"What was your family like?"

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