A Hard Fact of Life

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So here's another chapter for you guys. So 90 reads! But I like it. So here it is for you. Hope you all enjoy it. I wrote the chapter longer this time.
~PMBM 🐢 (that's right a turtle I'm mixing it up)
A Hard Fact of Life
It's been two weeks since we (Minseok and I) became friends.

How so much I want us to be more was unbearable.

I was walking down to his room, once I got to his door I noticed Chen was in there, he seemed tense and gripping Minseok's arm. I couldn't help, but feel jealous.

I watched as he gave him a small box. He grabbed it and nodded, he walked out, he bowed when he saw me and then kept walking. I walk in,


"Hey Luhan sorry we can't talk I got to head into town, I need ingredients for medicine."

"Can I come with you, I need the fresh air."

He smiled,


"Wait I need to grab a hoodie so people won't recognize me."

"Wait here."

He walks away into another room, he soon walks out with a black hoodie.

"Here use mine for now."

I tried so hard not to squeal because I get to use an article of his clothing.

I grab it and put it on.

It smells like him.

We walk out of his room and down the hall to the nearest exit, once we were out we went down the long path to the city.

"We need to make a quick stop" I nod my head. We walk until we stop at strip club, I was slightly confused.

Why do he need to go here?

He looks at me, "Dont say anything while we are in here, keep your head low, link arms with me. I'll explain later. I promise" He said in a quite rush voice.

I link arms with him and nod. We walk in and he leads us to a lady at a desk.

"Hello ma'am I'm here for number S527" He leans on her desk giving her a smile.

She looks at her book, and then back up, "For how long sir?"

"One hour," she arches an eyebrow,

"abit short isn't it?" She asked.

"I don't like to wait." he replies seductivly.

I couldn't help but feel attractive to him more. That way he was speaking to her made me both aroused and jealous, because she's doing the same thing back.

"That will be 2,000 Galleons." he pulls out a bag full of coins.

He drops it on the table.

"All there"

She smirks,

Boy I wanted to slap it off!

and she hands him a key.

"Room 402" he grabs it.

"Thank you" he grabs my hand and we walk to a long hallway.

He looks around us to see if anybody was there after checking. He pulls my hand.

"Hurry" we run down the long hall.

Once we reach room 402 he unlocks the door. We walk in. What I saw was a man who had blue hair, his back facing us. He seemed to be buttoning his shirt.

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