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So I wanted to say sorry for the lack of update I know I'm a terrible person. So here's a new chapter. So over the weekend I realized how messed up I made the future chapters so I was editing them and that lead to me not updating so sorry. Hope you enjoy and please vote and comment because they make my day.

It's been a couple of days since we told my father.

Minseok is still a slave until after our bonding and my ceremony. I am getting nervous because I'm going to be king soon. I want this to help people, but I don't want this.

I walk down the hallway to Minseok's room. As I'm walking I think about how much I want to change things around here.

I snap back to reality when I see Minseok's door. Before I knock I heard some groaning. Instead of knocking I walk right in to see Minseok standing behind a cauldron that has a green color to it, pulling his hair in frustration. Minseok lets out an "Ugh!" Before turning to me.

"What's wrong?"

"I messed up, but I'm not going to worry about."

He closes the cauldron. He walks over to the couch and sits down. Sitting down next to him, I grab his hand in mine.

He smiles and gives me a kiss.

"Luhan, you're looking more handsome."

He says running his fingers through my hair.

The feeling of his touch, of his fingers going through my hair soothes me in a way. It relaxes me and calms me down from a tiring or frustrated day.

I moan lightly, liking the feeling too much.

I gasped as I felt a small hand sliding down, past my neck to my stomach, right above my crotch. Lightly massaging it, making me a bit excited.

"You are such a tease." I groan.

He laughs. In a swift movement, I felt him twist his body on top of my lap. Straddling me.

"Luhan." He whispers in my ear, his voice going an octive lower.

"Luhan" he says again before sucking on my earlobe. The vibration of his voice sends me shivers down my spine.

I grip his waist.


I finally chock out.

Instead of replying with words, he replies with him moving his hips into mine slowly in a circular motion.

I left out a small moan in pleasure.

"Minseok!" I whine as I feel my breath hitch from the friction in my nether region.

Pulling away from my earlobe, Minseok looks me in the eyes, his eyes full of love. Darken with lust.

"I love you Luhan. So love me Luhan, take me as yours. Be mine." He whispers.

I stare at him. Wondering if this was true. Asking for permission. Making sure he's ready.

With a knowing look, Minseok smiles, giving me a slight nod.

Taking that as my approval. (even though he clearly stated he wanted to)

I lean in and kissed him. He kissed back. I deepen it, him doing the same. My hands slid down to grip his nice and firm butt. I've only touched it once (but that was by accident) but damn, I could hold it forever. It felt nice and firm and full.

Giving it a small squeeze, I smirk when I hear a loud moan.

His hands slide from my head (whenever they got back up there, I don't know) to my chest. He grips my shirt, tugging on it lightly

"mmm take it off" he murmurs between kissing.

I take my shirt off and Minseok took his off too. Our lips connect again. My hands slide down yet again to his nice butt, loving the feeling of it fitting perfectly in my hands.

I pull away from his lips to only connect them to his neck. Minseok leaning back his head to give me more room.

I carefully lift us up, to carry us to his room. Lightly throwing him on the bed.

Continuing to kiss his sweet spot making him a moaning mess.

His hands slid down and cupped my bulge in my jeans. He starts rubbing slowly, squeezing me tenderly.

I pull away leaning my head back moaning.


He starts unzipping me, and I unzip him. Carelessly throwing our pants. He flips us, him sitting on my chest, he pulls my boxers down.

He starts rubbing me slow, but he gradually started to go faster. I begin to pant.


I close my eyes as I feel the pleasure coarsing threw my body. My hips unconsciously thrusting up into his hand. I felt lips wrap around my cock. My eyes open and I see Minseok sucking me hard. I place my hands on his head and I help him to go deeper. I moan. I feel my stomach clench,

"Minseok I'm cu-"

But before i could warn him, I spill my liquid into his mouth.

After swallowing up my seed, He climbs up and smile. I flip us. I yank his boxers off. He grabs his wand from the night stand and gives it a flick. I see a bottle of lube appear in his hand. Shoving me the bottle, Minseok throws his wand on the floor.

I chuckle.


He groans,

"yes Luhan."

I squirt some on my fingers, I stick one finger in his entrance.

He yelps at the intrusion of my finger.

After a while I stick another finger in. I start scissoring my fingers and pushing them in and out. I see small tears fall from his eyes. I stick a third finger in, I started thrusting them in. Then he starts moaning loudly. I smile,

"Luhan please!"

I pull out and put lube on my cock.

I line myself to his entrance, he wraps his legs around my waist. I thrust in.

I wait until he says to go.

He nods. I start moving in slowly, once I hit his prostate he moans,


I start thrusting in faster, and harder. Soon his hips matched with my thrusts. Grabbing his cock in my hand, I start jerking.

He grabs the bed sheet and flings his head back.

Moaning loudly.

"Luhan I'm close"

I feel my climax coming. As I climaxed in him he climaxed on our chest. I fall down beside him. He hugs me while his head is on my chest. Our breathing is rapid, but slowly calming down.

"Luhan that was amazing."

"It was, I love you Minseok."

"I love you too."

We kiss before falling asleep.
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