Xiumin Black

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A.) Happy Xiumin Day
B.) I know I didn't put up a picture for Opened
C.) I know I didn't update for ten days
D.) thank you to everyone who has commented Voted and reading my story. So I hope you guys comment and vote. I will try to make a picture but I'm in school. Sooo yeah. Enjoy
Xiumin Black
I walk in to see Xiumin laying in a bed.

He was sleeping but his hair was changing rapidly.

"Luhan?" I heard a weak voice.

I look to see Xiumin's eyes barely opened. "Minseok!" I run up and I hug him, tears falling.

"Minseok, you're pregnant, we are having a baby."

I pulled away, and he gives me a worried look, "I know,"

I grab his hand.

"So your name is Xiumin?"

He nods, closing his eyes.

"I'm so sorry,"

"shhh Xiumin, I love you, Minseok or Xiumin. I love you. I understand, I'm was abit mad but understand, I'm not angry with you."

I lean in and gave him a kiss. He kissed back. We pulled away.

"Luhan I have to fight in this war."

"I know, I just don't want you hurt, I can't loose you"

"You won't I'm protected."

Tao comes running in. With Chen limping by his side.

"Xiumin I'm sorry."

Xiumin motions for him to come on the bed. Tao sits down and faces Xiumin.

"Tao it's okay, I'm not mad at you. Thank you"

"Your welcome"

They hug. I smile.

We hear a bunch of cracks. Turning our heads, I saw a man with black hair green eyes glasses and a scar tattoo.

"Xiumin?" Xiumin smiles and pulls away.


Harry runs up and hugs Xiumin. And then he pulled away.

"Are you okay? How is Teddy"

"Good, he's good. How are you?"

"Could be better."

Xiumin tries to sit up and I assist him. He grabs his wand and flicks it towards himself. His dirty clothes turn into clean clothes.

Harry smiles, "Xiumin, Junmyeon is here he's in the ballroom with everyone."

Xiumins face lights up when he hears the name. I couldn't help but feel a bit of jealousy coarse threw my veins.

He runs out. Despite mine and Harry's protests. We follow in suit.

I watched as Xiumin runs into the Ballroom, everyone gasp when they see him, but Xiumin ignores their stares as he searches the room. His eyes land on a short male that had his arms around and a slightly taller male.

Xiumin runs up and attacks the shorter male with a bear hug. The male as I assume is Junmyeon hugs back just as tight.

They pulled away, Xiumin looks at me and motions for me to come over.

"Luhan this is Junmyeon a long time friend and his boyfriend Yixing. Guys this is Luhan,"

Xiumin looks at me, "he's my fiancé, if he'll still want me" I say.

"I do"

"Actually Xiumin," Yixing says,

"we are fiancés"

Xiumin smiles, "that's great guys"

We talk until the door opens and we all turn to see Draco.

He was in a like hospital gown, his hair was crazy.

"Draco!" Harry ran to Draco and they shared a kiss. Harry and Draco started to cry.

"I've missed you, I thought you were dead."

"I'm alive, it's okay"

I watched the scene in front of me. I was happy that they were able to see eachother again. I don't care if I didn't know them, from what I heard, they deserved to have this moment.

After a few hours, everyone is silent and Harry speaks.

"We need to get to Hogwarts and fast, the last two horcruxes are there I think."

I felt my parents hands in my shoulder as we watch the group speak among themselves.

"So what's the plan?" Xiumin asks.

"We get to Hogwarts you and Chen go to the Chambers of Secrets. Ron Hermione you tell everyone. Draco and I will be searching for the horcruxes. Chanyeol Baekhyun, you stay here to protect the Lu family."

Harry explains.

"We have to leave ASAP."

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