Bellatrix Lestrange

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Bellatrix Lestrange


Then we heard a loud evil laugh like someone was drunk.

A woman with black and white hair comes in. Her hair had crazy curls, pale skin, cheeks hallowed and suckin in and she looked like a maniac.

"Is there a reunion?"

She asked sarcastically, added with a laugh.

Her eyes scanned the room until they landed on a sprawled out Draco on the floor. Clutching his ribs in pain. Staring at the woman in pure hatred.

"Well well well. What do we have here?"

She walked over to Draco. She reached her hand down and clutched Draco's hair. Pulling it up so he could face her. Pure agony was evident on his face.

"We have my nephew, Draco."

She leaned down closer to Draco until their noses were almost touching.

"What a piece of scum."

She shoved his head down. Looking behind her, she spotted Xiumin on the floor, holding his bleeding arm.

I could see the mix of hatred, pain, and fear in his eyes. She cooed down at him. Stretching her hand out placing it on Xiumin's cheek, but Xiumin backs away.

"Don't touch me!"

She slaps Xiumin, flinging his head to the right, a red bruise evident.

"Well look at you, you don't look like yourself."

She slapped him again.

"You are a disgrace to the Black and Malfoy family."

"You are a disgrace,"

Xiumin glares at her,

"and a murder, you killed your own cousin!"

"Well I will admit, I was aiming for Granger but you being a bloody blood traitor had to step in front of her,"

She yelled. Her voice booming threw the entire room.

"And to be quiet honest, I didn't care who I killed as long as Potter didn't get the prophecy, but no,"

She said stomping her foot.

"you stepped in the way, and your father pushed you. It's not my fault that you were going to sacrifice your life for a stupid little mudblood."

I watched as Xiumin eyes turned red as he leaped up from the floor and attacked her. She grabbed her wand, and said something that had Xiumin go flying back hitting the wall.

"Minseok!" I yell.

The crazy lady turns her head at me.

"Well well well isn't he just disgusting a muggle" she sneered at me.

I heard a groan. I turn and see Xiumin trying to get up.

"Imperio" she said, her wand pointing at Xiumin.

I watched as he was trashing around.

"Aww don't resist, now come here Xiumin"

Xiumin forcably walked over to her. He fell down,

"Xiumin I don't like how muggle you look switch back to what you looked like before you came here" he shook his head.

"I won't" he chocked.

She glared more,


I watched as his hair started changing different colors, all of a sudden. His hair was black, he looked up at her, his eyes were the beautiful green, but had a bit of grey.

"Now lets do what we came here to do and that's to open the portal"

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