Thank you Hormones

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Thank you Hormones

Luhan smiles, "hmm what?"

"That my mood swings will get stronger since I have 3 babies."

Luhan groans, "Please be easy on me."

Xiumin laughs, "oh I can't promise you, but there's one thing that might benefit you though."

"And what's that?"

"The Medi-Witch says my hormones are going to be strong so that means when my sex drive is strong, also I read that pregnancy sex is the best"

He says, grabbing one of Luhan's hands to play with, until he brought Luhan's hand down to his erect bulge.

Luhan smiles, "Oh? So are you going to be a horny little vixen?"

He asks, before giving his bulge a light squeeze, making Xiumin moan.

"Uh if you're going to do this then do it in your room with the door locked and a silence charm on."
Sehuns voice boomed across the room.

Luhan blushes, Xiumin chuckles before dragging Luhan to their room. He grabbed his wand, putting a silence charm on.

He turned around and pushed Luhan on the bed, he climbs on top of him.

"So eager" Luhan laughs.

"Take me Luhan, please I need you."

Luhan flips them. He starts rubbing Xiumin bulge hard. His hand shoving down in his bulge, his cock being pressed against his thighs harshly. Squeezing it hard, making Xiumin moan loudly.

"Luhan please. You're going so slow."

Xiumin tries to thrust his hips up, but Luhan prevents him. "So eager, you have to wait a bit let me take care of you."

Xiumin whimpers, "Luhan!"

Luhan gives him a kiss, which Xiumin respond eagerly. He gasped when he felt a hand go down his pants and grip Xiumun hard. Stroking slowly up and down.

Xiumin pulls away. His breath quickens.

Luhan smiles and starts to pull both their pants down. Xiumin removes their shirts. Moaning loudly when Luhan tugs lightly at his cock. He leans down and starts sucking Xiumins neck. Which left Xiumin a moaning mess.

Luhan smirks at Xiumins reaction to his touches.

Luhan trails his kisses from his neck to Xiumins hard nipples. He put one in his mouth while pinching and teasing the other one. Making the other scream in pleasure.

Xiumin was overly sensitive due to being pregnant. Which made everything feel total bliss.

"Luhan," he whimpers, "please, I can't," he pants, "I need to release."

Luhan pulls away, "no baby, got to wait."

Luhan starts leaving tons of marks on Xiumin neck and chest.

Luhan's hand wraps around Xiumins cock his finger smearing the pre-cum over the head. He knew Xiumin was close, but he kept his fingertip at the tip, preventing him to cum.

Xiumin trashes, "LUHAN! Please."

"Shh don't worry, let me prepare you."

He grabs a bottle of lube from the night stand. Squeezing a generous amount in his hand. His hand slid down to Xiumin's entrance. Sticking one finger in.

Xiumin moans. Luhan sticks another in. Scissoring his fingers and thrusting them in and out.

"Oh Luhan please!"

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