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The Next Day

Xiumin looks at Luhan, sitting on the couch reading the Dailey Prophet. "Luhan, lets go visit your parents, we got to tell them about the babies."

Luhan looks up at Xiumin, "okay let me get ready quick." Luhan said placing the paper on the coffee table. He stood up and walked to Xiumin, who was at the kitchen bar, stool turned facing Luhan, Xiumins back pressed against the table. He leans down and pecks Xiumin's lips.

Xiumin looks up through his lashes, smiling up innocently, "well you don't have to get dressed right away" he said innocently, his hands on Luhan's pj pants.

Luhan smirks down at Xiumin, "I thought my vixen was tired from last time" Luhan said teasingly.

Xiumin smiles up at him through his lashes. Before his hand slips down Luhan's pants, grasping the half erect bulge, giving it a light squeeze. Resulting a moan from Luhan, he leans into Xiumins hand. "Xiumin," he whisphers "Kai and Sehun are still here,"

Xiumin starts pumping Luhan's hard erection, "Well why don't we go to the bedroom"

Luhan looks down at Xiumin, "what to telling my parents."

Xiumin playfully squeezes Luhan, "They can wait an hour," Luhan groans at the thought. "Or two"

Two hours later, Luhan and Xiumin arrive at the palace. The King and Queen were surprised.

"Luhan, what a surprise!" The queen says, walking up to Luhan giving him a huge hug.

"Hi mom"

"So what do we owe this splendid surprise?" The queen says pulling away.

"Well we have an announcement" Luhan said wrapping his arm around Xiumins waist.

"And what is it?" The king asks.

"Well Xiumin and I are having triplets." Luhan announces.

The king and queen smiles and cheer. "OMG that's amazing, how far?"

Xiumin blushes at all the attention, "I'm 3 months, four soon." He answers, lifting up his shirt to reveal a bump.

The queen coos at the baby bump. "Aww"

Xiumin lays his shirt back down. "Yes we wanted to inform you that you'll be proud grandparents of three wonderful grandbabies." Xiumin says.

The queen smiles, "we can't wait"

They spent the entire night talking about childhood Luhan, much to Luhan's dismay."

A week later

"Luhan you ready?"

"Yes I am"

Xiumin grabs Luhan arm and they apparated away.

They land in the pregnancy ward, Xiumin walks up to the reception, "Black, Xiumin" he said to the lady.

"Yes room 201"

They walk back to the room, Xiumin sits down in the bed. Luhan next to him.

Cho Chang walks in, "hello Xiumin, so lets do the check up"

Cho does a few a tests, "so your babies are healthy but I'm afriad that I have some bad news"

Luhan tightens his grip on Xiumins waist, "what's wrong?" Xiumin asks.

"I'm afriad baby number 2 might be a squib."

Xiumin nods, "is that it?"


Xiumin apparates away with Luhan. When they got in Luhan asks, "what's a squib"

"A squib is when either two wizards give birth to a human with no magical powers. Or when a wizard and a human have a baby and the baby doesn't have no powers."

Tears fall, "what's wrong?"

"I will always love my babies but what if it feels left out because its siblings has powers I mean you don't have powers but that's different."

"Shh we'll love it no matter what,"

"We will, I guess it's good to have a human baby too."

They gave eachother a kiss, Luhan pulls away and hugs Xiumin, "don't worry"
Two months later.

Sehun was due anytime, which made Xiumin excited. He couldn't wait until the baby was here. He wanted to get some practice in before he was due. Even he could practice with the twins, which he did, he wanted to do it with a new born.

Luhan was excited too, he never knew anybody that was pregnant and since Sehun and Kai decided to give Xiumin and Luhan to be the baby's godparents he was happy.

Luhan also couldn't help but stare at his lovely fiancé as he Wombles place to place, becoming bigger and bigger by the day. Even though he was merely 5 months, he was as big as Sehun. He tried telling Xiumin that but ended up getting popcorn to the face and being accused for call Xiumin fat.

Luhan was peacully sleeping comfortably until he felt a groan of pain coming from the person next to him.

He opened his eyes, he turned his head to see Xiumins face scrunched up in agony.

"Xiumin? Are you okay?" Luhan asks worriedly.

Xiumin glares at Luhan, "Tell your children to stop using my bladder as a kicking bag." He said. Climbing out of bed with a struggle, he made his way to the bathroom.

Luhan sighs, Xiumin always claimed them as his children when they brutally kick Xiumun. Luhan doesn't mind, he knows its hormones. He heard a yelp.

Rushing out of bed, Luhan ran to the bathroom, Xiumin was on the floor caressing his stomach in agony. Luhan kneeled down next to Xiumin. "Are you okay? What's wrong?" He asked, very concern for his lover.

Xiumin whimpers, "Their kicking to hard, and I'm tired of using the bathroom every four minutes." He whisphers.

Luhan sighs, he didn't know how to make him feel better, "want me to call Sehun? Maybe he knows what to do."

Xiumin shakes his head, "No can you go to the library and get the pregnancy safe potion book, maybe there's something in there."

Luhan nods, he lifts up Xiumin and guides him to the bed. He walks out and up the stairs to the third floor where the family library is.

He walked into the library, he looked at the labels of the shelf until he found the words 'potion' he ran through the selections of books, finding the one that he hopes with solve Xiumins problems.

Grabbing the book he made his way down to the master room, where he heard any other yelp from Xiumin. He ran back to the room to Xiumin clutching his stomach.

"Xiumin let me call some help."

Sighing in defeat, Xiumin nods. "Fine."

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