
329 16 1

Yeah yeah yeah I know I was suppose to update at 15:00 and it's 18:00 I'm aware. So here you guys go. Hope you like it
My Father and I were eating quietly when the door burst open. I look up to see A guard runs in, your highness someone broke into the castle, a metamorphagus he shape shifted into the Prince"

I gave him a bewilder look.

"Where is he?"

"He's dualing with a slave I was told to out you into lock down" he closes the door.

"Get someone to protect my wife, we will stay in here." He nods, and he runs out.

After twenty minutes, the doors burst open with the guard holding a man, and Minseok and Chanyeol pointing there wands at the man, I noticed Minseok's leg was bleeding and limping.

He hand ice on his nose. "Bring him to the jail cell. Put protection spell on the cell."

Minseok nods at my father. The man tries to break free, but Chanyeol flicked his wand and the man fell.

"You are under arrest for fraud and using an unforgivable curse and using the Sectumsempra on a XX wizard." Said Chanyeol.

I look at Minseok who looked tired and weak. Then two other wizards that work for a prison comes in and takes the man.

Once they left, I look at Minseok, who just fell to the floor. My father and I run up to him. Chanyeol bends down.

"We need a medi witch!" I see one of the guards run out.

"Minseok?" I ask.

Chanyeol, rips his shirt and presses it on his leg. I saw blood on his shirt, I rip it open to see his chest cut.

I gasp.

Then I heard a medi witch speak as she's running in.

"Oh my gosh, what was he hit with?"

"It was an unforgivable and Sectumsempra"

"Which unforgivable?"

"Crutias curse."

"How many times?"

"I think once, I don't know, I walked in on them dualing."

"We need to lift him to the hospital wing, we can't levitate him, he might loose more blood."

I pick him up bridal style.

Ignoring my father asking what I'm doing.

We run down there. I lay him on the bed.

Chanyeol pulls me out before I could protest. They closed the door.

Tears fall.

"Is he going to be okay?"

"Yes he will. He's strong"

My father comes in.

"Luhan can we talk?"

I nod and Chanyeol bows.
We walk out into my fathers study.

"Luhan, I have a feeling that you and Mr. Kim are close."

"It's true."I say.

"How close?"

"We've been dating for a bit."

My father sighs.

"We'll talk later. Go see him."

I run out. To see Chanyeol talking to the medi witch. I walk up.

"Is he going to be okay?" She smiles.

"Yes, he's going to have to stay in bed for a while. Apparently he was cursed three times by The Crutias Curse."

She says. Chanyeols eyes widen.

"How is he not insane yet, too many times can cause insanity!"

"He's lucking. Also give him the dreamless potion, I assume he has a stock of them in his room."

"Yes he was going to drop them off to you soon,"

"Wasn't he going for Potions Master?"

Chanyeol nods,

"and a medi witch. But I think he likes potions more" she smiles

"well go see him."

I walk in to see Minseok with a wrap on his leg and waist/chest. He looks over and sees me, he smiles.

"Hey Lu."

I run over, "what happened?"

"After I served you dinner, I walked out into the hall. And I saw you, he was being mean and I knew that this was an imposter, he started using crucio on me. And then the Sectumsempra."

"I'm so happy your fine."

"I'm so glad that you're safe."

He grabs my hand. He eventually falls asleep. I lay my head on his lap.

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