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So here's the 1st chapter hope you like it. Might have another one up either tomorrow or Friday. Enjoy
A/N: so if you are rereading this (I don't know why) Xiumin is suppose to be Kim Minseok. So I changed it.
Minseok quietly but quickfully got the ballroom ready for tonight's ball, welcoming and celebrating Prince Luhan for turning 21 and coming home from being away from home since age 11.
As he was tidying up the last few decorations he heard voices from afar, one of them belonging to the King. Minseok quickly stood up straight facing the door, waitin for the king to walk in.

The king walked in and gave them a slight glare, "Tonight my son is returning home after being away for 10 years, everyone best be on their greatest behavior,"

He turned to exist but before he did, you could here the cold dry words dripping from his lips, "or else" he walked out with his head held high.

Once he was out of sight Minseok quickly ran finishing every last touch before departing to his dorm in the servants quarters. Picking out something nice to wear, he went with a simple black tux and tie. He layed it out on his bed, he stared at it for what it seemed like eternity, he lightly placed his hand on it admiring it. He closed his eyes, breathing in slowly.

Memories invading his mind, he shook them away before they became to strong. He slowly stripped and got the tux on. Fixing it to his preference. He looked at his watch to see it was currently 20:00 he slid on his jacket and ran out of the room to the kitchen. Once he got in the kitchen he spotted his best friend Chen who was balancing a tray on one hand, he noticed Minseok stare. "Min! Come here we got to get out there!"

Minseok grabbed one of the trays from the table in the room. He balanced it on his left hand.

"Ready" he said.

Minseok nodded.

They walked out into the room of a thousand people.
Surrounded by hundreds, Minseok tried not to get trampled on. Smiling lightly at the guest, even to the ones who give him disgusting looks.

After about thirty minutes of being pushed and shove, silence filled the air when the King and Queen were presented.

"Ladies and Gentlemen I would like you to welcome my son a great return, Lu Han!!" The king said powerfully.

Minseok glanced at the doors opening from behind him. Watching a man with girl like features walk in with a smile playing on his lips. He turned back around and started serving again. With a blank expression on his face.

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