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So here's a chapter after so long hope you all like it.
I woke up, to see Minseok tracing his finger on my chest. He looks up, he smiles.

"Hey, You're awake."

I smile back.

"How are you? Feeling better?"

"Yes I healed my scars this morning, I'm feeling a lot better."

"That's good."

He sits up, he grabs his wands.

"I'm going to take a shower."

"Oh can I join?"

"You can look but you can't touch."

I pout,

"where's the fun in that?"

"Well maybe if you're good, I might make an acception tonight"

He purrs in my ear.

I could feel myself become excited.

He stands up and lightly limps to the bathroom. He stops and turns,

"Aren't you coming?"

I get up and run to the bathroom.

He laughs, he starts the water, he slowly strips, I strip with him.

I stare at a large large scar on his chest, and I stare at his abs.

I felt my cheeks burn when I see him take his boxers off. He walks in the shower.

"You joining?"

I quickly take off the rest of my clothes off, I get in.

He grabs shampoo and starts washing his hair. I do the same. I watched as he sticks his face in the water.

He pulls out and looks at me, he leans in and kisses me. I kiss back. I push him against the wall. Pressing my body against his, he groans in my mouth. I kiss down his neck.

"Luhan not here, it won't be special, later I promise."

I pull away a nod.

"I'm not in a rush."

"I know."

We spent the rest of the time kissing and then washing ourselves.

Once we were done he grabs his wand, he mutters something.

Instantly I was dry, he hands me clothes. He does the same to himself.

We step out and change.

"Minseok we got to tell my father and mother."

"I know."

"Let's do it now."

He nods.

"Let's get breakfast from the kitchen."

We walk to the kitchen, we walk in and Minseok is immediently attacked by Baekhyun. He hugs him.

"Are you okay?"

"Just a scar."

They pull away.

Baekhyun looks down and sees the bonding ring.

He gasp, he squeals.

"Oh my gosh you guys are bonding?!?!"

"Yes he asked me this morning."

Baekhyun smiles wide.

"I approve of this. Oh my gosh."

"Baekhyun calm down."

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