New Additions

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New Additions


Luhan had woke Kai up to help him apparate to St. Mungos.a

Kai was hesistant he didn't want to leave Sehun alone while he's expecting anytime soon.

When they appeared and nurse came up and took Luhan and Xiumin back, leaving Kai to head back home.

After a half hour they found out why Xiumin was hurting,

"Well he is just experiencing the babies, using his magic. The babies kicking like this is a good thing."

The medi witch stated. She handed a vial to Luhan, "here this should help with the pain."

Luhan accepted it placing it in his pocket.

Xiumin manages to sit up and apparate them home.

Luhan helped Xiumin into bed.

Once Luhan knows that Xiumin is situated he laid down and closed his eyes, once his eyes closed he heard a shriek of pain.

Jolting up, Luhan looks around and realizes it was from the other room, he ran in and saw a Sehun bent over the caressing his stomach, doubled over his bed, Kai trying to stand him up.

"AHHH" Sehun screamed in agony.

Luhan ran over and helped Kai stand Sehun. Xiumin runs in and sees the scene in front of him, running as fast as his pregnant self can, he grabbed the baby bag that was in Kai's trembling hands. "Let's get St. Mungos." Kai said. Sehun glares at Kai, "Well no shit let me just have the baby on the floor!!" Sehun spat, then doubles over in pain. Kai sighs as he remembering as those were the exact words Sehun had said when he had the twins.

Apparating away separately, the arrive at St. Mungo's.. again, getting Sehun on a gurney they wheeled him back into the operation room.

Luhan sits in the waiting room sighing in exhaustion, he closes his, but to only reopen them when he heard his boyfriend. "Luhan? would you like to go home? So you can rest." Xiumin asks rubbing Luhan's arm up and down, knowing that Luhan had a stressful night. He smiles lovingly at his boyfriend, "sure i'm beat."


6 months later

Sehun and Kai had a healthy baby girl, naming her the American named Julia, it was a pretty name. They moved out and Luhan and Xiumin were alone, not entirely alone there were house elves still working there.

Xiumin was past his due date, and was huge. Luhan had to cheer his lover up by saying that he wasn't fat, even the the latter thought the exact opposite.

Once Xiumin was 9 and a had months, that was when hell literally froze over. The kicking, the constant peeing at 1 am, and the bedridden caused to have Luhan see a sight that he has never seen before.

Xiumin loved all three of his children he really did, but he wanted them OUT. The pain was just to much, he couldn't move and Luhan had to do every little thing, which didn't bother Luahn, but bothered Xiumin for not being able to do anything for himself.

Xiumin was really over due, so to solve this solution, he walked (more like stumbled) into the kitchen, a hand on hip, and a look of determination on his face. Luhan turns around from doing the dishes and gulps at his lover, actually terrified, the pregnant male may not be able to move fast, but he can bite.

"Xiumin do you need anything?" Luhan asks, Xiumin walks over and grabs the dish rag and threw it in the sink he grabbed Luhan's arm and spoke with auithority. "You Lu Han is going to bend me over this table and fuck me!"

Luhan's eyes widen, his mouth agape, "E-e-excuse m-me?"

"I want your children out, so the only way is for you to have sex with me NOW!"

Luhan sighs, "Xiumin, there are others ways." Xiumin scowls, "if you don't fuck me right now I will cut your baby maker"

Luhan eyes widen, he knew Xiumin was making an empty threat, but the ideal of Xiumin saying it and the look he was given sent shivers down Luhan's spine.

Luhan squeaks out a fine. He lead Xiumin to their room, laying him carefully down on the bed. He undressed them slowly and carefully. Prepping him carefully before Luhan's fingers thrust into Xiumin, Xiumin moans loud, and praying to God it works.

After a few thrust, Xiumin feels wetness, his mind not in the right state of mind thought he released, embarrassed at how quickly he released, Xiumin covers his face. Luhan grabs his hands, uncovering his face he looks at Xiumin. "Xiumin your water broke."

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