Who is he?

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Surprise, I'm in a surprisingly good mood because its 20:00 and I have a headache and my throat hurts. I typed up 2ish almost 3ish chapters. So yeah. I decided I will update just in case I can't tomorrow. So here it is. Comment if you like the photo made It my self with the cover to might make more for each chapter because I LOVE making covers. So yeah enjoy. Love you all



Who is he?


Luhan felt something poking his neck. He opened his eyes and saw intimidating eyes staring at him and his wand right at his neck.

"Are you trespassing on royal property?"

Luhan opened his eyes.

"What? No!"

"Come into the light."

He walked out into the light. He watched as the man held his wand right to his face, he didn't even flinch when he saw that Luhan looked a lot like the Prince even though he was.

"Are you a shifter?"

"What! No. I'm the Prince!"

"What did Luhan name his pet cat?"

Luhan gave him a look, but all he did was tighten his grip


Then he released his grip, he bowed at him.

"Sorry sir, there have been Metamorphagi trespassing as you lately, had to make sure."

Luhan was shocked, he bowed in response.

"Of course. Sorry I couldn't sleep. I thought I would watch."

The man only nods,

"Of course. I'm in charge until everything is done."

Luhan was about to speak, but is interrupted by Chen running up to them.

"We need your help one of the slaves are in labor."

"Okay, go get the medi witch down town, I'll go down there, be back as soon as possible."

He then turned, and looked at Luhan.

"Sir you need to hand to your room."

"No, I'm coming with you!" He yelled.

The man flinched, and it didn't go unnoticed by Luhan.

"Fine. But stay in the shadows, slaves may work for you, but not all like you, even if you are their master."

Unknown XiuhanWhere stories live. Discover now