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Sorry for the last chapter being extremely short I accidentally published it so yeah. Plus I was out of state for a week and a half so i couldn't upload anything.

So here's the final, maybe I will post an epilogue.... Maybe



Luhan rushed Xiumin to St.mungos.

Once they arrived, Luhan called out, "I need help my fiancé he's in labor!"

A medi-witch ran up to Luhan with a gurney, Luhan placed Xiumin down.

The witch ran off with Luhan trailing behind. They wheeled Xiumin into the delivery room. A Doctor ran in and spoke to Luhan, "would you like me to owl anyone?"

Luhan nods, "yes Huang Zitao, Chen Jongdae, Uh Park Chanyeol and his partner, Oh Sehun and his partner, Kris Wu and Harry Potter and they should get the rest." Luhan said trying to remember who else the doctor should owl.

The Doctor nods and tells the nurse to deliver the owls.

They prepare for Xiumin's delivery.

"Lu.." Xiumin whisphers in pain, wincing at every contraction.

Luhan runs to Xiumin's side, grabbing his hand. "Shh it's okay Xiumin, it'll be okay."

Xiumin screams when a contraction goes thru his body hard and painful. His grip on Luhan's hand tighten, getting tighter with every contraction.

Luhan watches Xiumin in concern, "It will get better, I promise shh it will get better I promise."

The witch gives Xiumin a vial, "It will help with the pain and numb your body for the c-section."

Luhan grabs the vial and pulls the cap off. A disgusting smell came out, Luhan scrunches his nose in distaste and feeds Xiumin the liquid.

After gagging Xiumin lays back and tries to relax.

The witch smiles down at the couple, "It may be a while before the potion works."

Xiumin nods.

The doctor comes in and informs Luhan that there are visitors.

Luhan looks down at Xiumin.

Xiumin nods for Luhan to leave. Luhan smiles and kisses Xiumins hand before exiting the room.

He walks down to the waiting room to see a large group of people staring at Luhan with worry and concern on their faces.

"He's not ready for the C-section yet." Luhan spoke relieving them with sighs.

"Well get back in there." Harry said.

Luhan nods and runs back to the room. Cries of pain echoed the entire hallway.

Luhan rushes in and sees Xiumin drenched in sweat, pain on his face.

Luhan walked up to Xiumin grabbing his hand.

After about thirty minutes, Xiumin was ready for a C-Section.

They wheeled him into the operation room.

"Okay Xiumin you will feel a slight tug." The doctor said.

Xiumin's heart was racing, he was scared, even though he knew he be okay.

He was scared for their children. Hoping that they will be okay, he had no reason to think they wouldn't be okay, but he assumed it was because of the reality that he is actually going to have his children. He's is birthing them right now. Bringing them into a world that was once a dark place. Where everyone thought he died or hurt. Except from Harry.

He never wanted his children to be born in the world of evil, he always wanted to have kids, but couldn't with the war.

He wanted to fall in love with someone that only cares about him, not about blood status or that he is one of the saviors of the Wizarding World.

Now he is able to bring them into a world of peace. Where there is no war, no hate, only love and peace.

He fell in Love with a man that cares about him and loves him and that Xiumin cares and loves him back. With a strong man, a prince no doubt.

He felt like the most luckiest Wizard in the World.

Xiumin smiles up at Luhan, giving Luhan's hand a slight squeeze. Luhan looks down at Xiumin.

They stared into eachothers eyes until Xiumin whisphers, "I love you."

Luhan smiles back, leaning down to give Xiumin a kiss on the forehead.

"I love you too."

The moment was interrupted when they heard a loud cry, not from Xiumim, but from a baby.

They turn their heads to see the doctor handing a baby to the nurse.

"It's a boy!"

Luhan smiles and hugs Xiumin's upper half. "Did you hear, we have a boy!"

Xiumin smiles, he tries to stretch his neck to see, but since he was laying in his back, it gave him trouble to light his head up to see his son.

Another cry pierced the room, their attention adverts to the baby in the doctors arm.

"A healthy baby girl!" The doctor announces.

Luhan and Xiumin smiles. Luhan leans down and whisphers, "She's beautiful."

Xiumin smiles. "One more."

Luhan smiles again.

They were excited, they are officially parents after their last baby is born.

Another cry joined the room. "Another boy."

Luhan smiles, tears running down his face. "A boy Xiumin."

Xiumin smiles widens, "another boy?"

Luhan nods, bringing his hand up to his eyes trying to wipe away his happiness.

The doctor works on Xiumin to close him up.

Once they babies were cleaned and Xiumin closed up. Xiumin was wheeled to the recovery room.

Everybody crowds into the room, cooing at the babies in Luhan and Xiumin's arms.

"They are so adorable, what's their name?" Baekhyun asks.

Xiumin looks down at the oldest baby in his arms. "This is Jong-Min, the oldest."

Luhan looks down at the youngest boy. "This is Minsoo."

"What about the girl?"

Luhan and Minseok look at eachother, they didn't know what to name her.

Seein the conflict, Chen spoke up, "why not something American or English, something foreign?"

"Alexandra?" Luhan questions.

Xiumin smiles, "Alexandra May."

"Perfect" Luhan said.

Sehun takes out a camera. "Okay guys, close in first family photo."

Luhan leans in closer with the two babies in his arms, Xiumin leans in towards to Luhan with the one baby in hand. They smile at the camera.

Sehun clicks the button and there was a flash. The picture develops and slides out from the camera. The black photo clears up and shows the picture of a happy family of five. Smiling at the camera.

The end
Okay guys it's the end! So sad. Now the opening of All of Me. I hope you guys like it. I will start typing it up and I have a summer prep course so the updates won't be frequent. I hope you all enjoyed thank you.

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