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I watched as the lady circle around Xiumin.

"Bellatrix you get Xiumin, Lucuis Draco, and Fenrir you get Teddy. I want you to force then to open the Portal, it's been seven years since we've been back and Potter is probably prepared he got to act fast."

"I won't let you kill Harry Voldemort!" Draco yelled.

Voldemort looked at Draco with a sickly evil smile,

"Your boyfriend won't save you, I will kill your boyfriend in front of your eyes."

He said to Draco. Then the three yelled


Xiumin, Draco, and Teddy all struggled to not get their wands but they did.

Soon they started to speak words. They were going so fast.

All of a sudden there was a blast, and all three flew into mid air.

Tears fall from my eyes as Xiumin landed right in front of me.

All three passing out

"It's open lets go in"

"Wait should we kill them?"

Kill us?

All of us?

I have to tell Xiumin I love him.

That I love him.

I was scared.

"Lets Kill the boy first."

Voldemort pointed his wand at me.

"Avada Kedvra" he said.

I unconsciously screamed when I saw a beam going towards me.

But a shield like force stopped it from hitting me.

Bellateix was confused.

"Why isn't he dead?"

To me it was an innocent question but to Voldemort it wasn't. His eyes widen. He looked from me to Xiumin.

In a hiss like language he spoke, and pointed his wand at Xiumin. It hit Xiumin's body.

A blue glow was shown on his stomach, then there was a blue glow link connected to me and then my mother and father. Then is connected to Bellatrix, Draco, Lucuis, and Teddy but only Bellatrix and Lucius got a different color glow it was red.

"They are all protected. We can't harm him." Lucius said.

"Let's leave them, they can't move their so weak." Voldemort nod.

Then they disappeared with a loud crack.

I try to untie myself. But it's no use.

Not knowing when Draco woke up but Draco flicks his wand, and my ropes are untied.

I fall to the floor and attend to Xiumin,


I lightly shake his body. I could feel the panic coarse threw my body.

Then the doors burst open and Tao runs in.

"What happened in here? Draco? Minseok?"

"Some Man named Voldemort he attacked them, the portal is opened."

Tao's eyes widen.

"The portal is opened! Oh no." He grabs his wand.

"Expecto Patronum!"

He yells into the air, a huge panda in fog like comes out from the tip.

"Tell Harry that Voldemort is alive. He's probably heading to Hogwarts. Also Xiumin Teddy Draco Chen Baekhyun and Chanyeol are live."

The panda nods and disappears. He sees Chen and runs to him.


"Someone call the Medi-Witch!" He yells.

Xiumin starts trashing, his head moving back and forth violently.

Then all of a sudden both Draco and Xiumin start to scream and clutching there arm.

I look at Tao for answers.

But all I got was a worried faced Tao.

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