Morning Sickness

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Sorry guys I forgot to update I know I have no excuse but here it is
Morning Sickness
Xiumin woke up, he didn't feel good, he ran to the bathroom emptying his contents.

Luhan heard the renching noise. He sat up and ran to the bathroom. He bend down and pat Xiumins stomache.

"You okay?"

"No it's been like this all the time."

"Come to bed, get some rest."

Xiumin been like this for the past week, picking every morning.

Sehun says it was normal, and that it will go down in a few weeks.

Xiumins mood swings were strong but they weren't that bad. Just moody here or there.

"Luhan I'm hungry. Make me something"

"What would you like?"

"Grill Cheese please" Xiumin says pouting his lips out.

Luhan laughs. "Okay"

Luhan has been treating Xiumin like a Prince. He thought it was funny because he is a prince technically, and Xiumin was his slave. Now it's the other way around. But he didn't mind.

Pinky helped him with the stove, since he was new at cooking.

"Thanks Pinky"

"Welcome Master Lu Pinky is greatful to serve Master Black"

It was still weird to hear Black when he was used to Kim and Xiumin when he used to be Minseok. Xiumin Minseok he still loves him. And he will never stop.

He walks in, and hands Xiumin his lunch, which unfortunately was puked up an hour later.

Both wished that this would end soon.

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