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Im giving up on trying to get the poster for each chapter bcuz I promise for it and then laziness gets to me and its a real problem. So yeah. Some day.

But that's to EVERYONE for reading and voting. I was going to update earlier but Wattpad was acting weird. I went to read a comment that some one replied to me in a story and all of a sudden it froze. So what the heck.

But I can't believe I got 1.23k? I think that's what I read. So thanks everyone. Double chapter just for you.

Xiumin and I were in his room, with a Kinsley Shaklebolt.

They were writing Xiumin's will.

Even though he was secured, he wouldn't know with magic.

I would inherit everything.

I tried not to cry.

Xiumin nods and walks over to me.

"I have to leave soon."

"Xiumin, I love you."

"I love you too,"

I gently place my hand on his stomach.

"I don't want you to go"

I pleaded. Dreading for the time that Xiumin has to leave.

"I have to, I love you"

"I love you too."

"I have to go"

I nod my head, and I give him and hug.

"Be safe."

"I will"

We pull away. He grabs his bag, and we walk to the ball room.

Chanyeol and Baekhyun runs up to Xiumin.

Baekhyun hugs Xiumin, "Please take care of Luhan"

Said Xiumin, in a painfully low whispher.

"Get Sehun out." Baekhyun said.

Xiumin pulls away, "I will."

Harry walks up, "It's time."


I wave as everyone disappears in thin air.

I could feel the tears fall.

Baekhyun places a hand on my shoulder. "He'll make it"

3rd POV

Xiumin appears in the Gryffindor common room.

He looked around. He ran out with Chen to the girls bathroom. He ran in and spoke parseltongue.

The sink lifted up to show a tunnel. They slid down the tunnel. They followed the chamber to the door.

He spoke again and the door opened. They walked in and walked up to a basilisk skeleton. He reached down and pulled a tooth out.

They ran out.

Harry ran to the room of requirements. He waited for the enchanted door. He runs in and starts looking for the horcrux.

Draco came face to face with Crabbe and Doyle.

"You're a disgrace Malfoy"

"So are you"

"Avada Kedvra"

But before it could hit Draco.

A boy with brown hair and skinny. Came out from hiding and blocked it. He shot the spell to the two boys killing them instantly.

Xiumin and Chen runs in just in time to see their friends brother, Sehun kill two people.


The said boy turns. "Is this what you're looking for?"

He asked, ignoring the fact Xiumin and Chen were gaping at how much time had changed. The once tiny 5rd year was now a 22 year old.

He holds up a case with a Tiara in it.

"Yes." Harry says.

They destroy it by using the basilisk tooth.
Voldemort screamed in agony. He looks down at Nagini (his snake)

"Stay close to me"
"Blaise" Draco yells.

Blaise runs over. "Draco their coming!"

Xiumin runs up.

"Blaise take Sehun to the Lu's royal castle. To Baekhyun"

Blaise nods, but Sehun shakes his head. "What about Kai? And my family?"

"Family?" Xiumin asks in disbelief.

"Yes me and Kai."

Sehun said with a smile. Proud to have a family. Xiumin smiles, knowing that Baekhyun will be happy.

"Go get them."

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