Chapter 1: A New Life

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That day, the two of you made a promise.

Together, you both swore that no matter what happens, you would always be at each other's side.

I'll never forget how happy the two of you were, even if you're both young back then.

The smile on your face says it all, and that you will always be happy when you're with him.

Of course, I felt the same. Since then, I thought that things would go well for the two of you.

Who would have thought that such a pact would be broken, all because of something unexpected?

That day changed everything, and because of it, he changed.

All the memories, the good times we had were all but gone from him.

Despite that, there's still hope, for I'm here now looking after you both.

That's how strong your wish is, and when the time comes, he will remember everything.

10 years ago

"Come on Y/N, hurry up!"

"Yah, don't run too fast! You do know that I can't keep up with you!"

"Oh, don't be such a baby, Y/N. All right, I'll run at your pace."

"Thanks. We don't need to hurry after all. The sun is still up, and we should be able to go back home without our parents worrying about us."

"You're right, my mistake. Look, we're nearly there!"

The two children were heading towards a bridge near the outskirts of the town. Once there, they both basked in the beauty of the river underneath it, as the setting sun made it all the more pleasant to look at.

"You know Y/N, I never get tired of this place."

"I feel the same. It's even more special since we always come here together after we play."

"That's right! Now, can I ask you a question?"

"Sure, what is it?"

"Are you aware that this bridge has such a wonderful story about it?"

"Yeah, my grandma told me about something like that. She said that even before our town became this big, this place has always been special because of that story."

"That's right, Y/N. They said that if you and the most important person in your life were to make a wish here, then it will come true for sure."

"Wow that sounds amazing. Since we're here right now, why don't we make a wish too?"

"That's what I was thinking. What are you going to wish for?"

"Hmm, let's see. Oh, I know! My appa told me that if you are rich, then you can get anything you want!"

"Are you sure? But, my eomma told me that wishing something like that is bad."

"Huh? What's wrong with that?"

"You know, having a wish like it would make you a selfish person, who only cares about what they want. The Y/N I know would not make a wish like that."

The girl's words seemed to have convinced the boy, so he made up his mind and tried to think of something else.

"I'm really sorry for thinking something like that. Don't worry. I'll think of another. Just give me a minute, okay?"

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