Chapter 15: Breakaway

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"Hyewon-ssi! Hyewon-ssi! Is something wrong?" Wonwoo said as he looks at her.

"Huh? What? Do you need something, Wonwoo?" She replied as she came back to her senses.

"Well, you were spacing out for some reason. I just wanted to make sure if you're okay."

"Thanks, I'm fine. I was just thinking about the coming exams." She told him.

"I see. Hmm, I'm not too worried about it, though. All we have to do is to study like the nerds we are, and everything would be fine." He assured her.

"I guess you're right." She said as the two of them continued to study together at the student's lounge.

But in truth, Hyewon was thinking about what she saw a few days ago.

She was making her way towards the university building earlier than usual, when she saw two familiar figures embracing each other.

It was Y/N and Sakura, with the latter showing her appreciation towards the other.

Somehow, the sight of them being intimate to each other made her feel uneasy, as if the guilty feeling she had began to resurface once more.

If not for it, she should be happy for them, knowing that their friendship could grow into something more.

After that moment, she knew that it's only a matter of time before it happens.

The day after that, the two of them began to spend more time together, with Y/N going the extra mile just to make sure that Sakura is well after her last date with Vernon.

Because of this, they seldom hang out with both Hyewon and Wonwoo, and they realized that things are starting to blossom between their two friends.

"You know Hyewon-ssi, I really miss spending time with those two. I mean, I'm glad that they're getting along well enough, and that Y/N is doing his best to cheer Sakura-ssi up. Still, if not for that villainous guy's rejection of her, things wouldn't have ended this way." Wonwoo said with an angry expression.

"Y-yeah, you're right, Wonwoo-ssi." She replied, while still hiding the fact that she knew what he was planning before.

"Ahem. Now we can see that things that happen in anime can also be experienced in real life. With this, I'm proud to be a full-time nerd. Rule number one, never trust a bishounen character."

This made Hyewon laugh a bit, with Wonwoo feeling slightly annoyed by her.

"What? But it's true! Come on, Hyewon-ssi. We're kindred spirits, you and I, so you should be able to agree with me on this!" He said in a pleading tone.

"Ugh, well we may be both nerds, but I think I'm still not up to your level." Hyewon said as she gave him a smirk.

"Hmm, I guess you do have a point. It's not too late though, maybe I can still convince you that 2D characters are way better than real human beings." He proudly told her.

"I'd believe you, Wonwoo-ssi, but that wallpaper on your phone says otherwise." Hyewon said while pointing to a picture of Yena on his phone.

"Yah, she's an exception! I just started familiarizing myself with their band, and uh, for some godly reason, I was awestruck by her beauty, and..."

Hyewon was grinning at him as he desperately tries to defend himself, until he realized that it was pointless to hide it anymore.

"Fine! I like her! Damn, this is the first time that a real-life girl surpassed my fondness for anime characters. I blame Y/N for this."

Sentimentality (Sakura x Male Reader x Hyewon)Where stories live. Discover now