Chapter 37: Return

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"This takes me back. It really has been a while."

These were the first words Y/N spoke the moment he got off the train, as the familiar urban scenery greeted him once again like before.

A couple of weeks had already passed since he recovered, he then made a promise to himself to make things right, as well as to make the very decision that he promised he would do.

Soon after, he took the luggage that he brought with him as he slowly walks toward the train station's exit. As he goes along, he could feel that his heart is filled with both excitement and doubt, as he still felt unsure as to how he will face both Sakura and Hyewon on his own. Despite this, only one thing's for certain, and that he himself holds the answer as to where his choice will take him.

As soon as he reached the exit, he then heard his phone rang. Before he could answer it, a smile formed on his lips upon seeing the name of the caller.

"Oppa, have you arrived yet? Is everything okay?"

"Yes, everything's fine, Minju-ya. I just got off the train a few minutes ago, and I'm already at the station's exit. Wait a minute. It's already late, so you should be sleeping right now. You don't need to worry about me."

"But I am worried about you! It's only been a couple of weeks since you recovered, so I felt the need to check up on you as soon as you get there."

"Yah, you don't need to worry too much about me. I appreciate how concerned you are, but I can assure you that I'll be okay. It's not like this is my first time setting foot in a big city anyway, so I still remember how to get around Seoul just like when I first got here."

"Okay, t-that's good. But umm..."

"Hmm? Is there anything else, Minju?"

"Y-yeah. Do you still know how to get to your apartment? If not, perhaps we should call the landlady to fetch you instead."

"My goodness. I don't know if you said that out of worry, or you're just trying to tease me somewhat. But yes, I can get there even at this hour." He assured her, as he heard Minju giggling soon after, a clear sign that she's having fun at her own brother's expense.

"Aish, I knew it. Is this your own way of paying me back for all the times that I messed around with you?"

"Hehe, you can say that. But on a serious note, I know that you going back is indeed the right decision. I'm sorry that I won't be able to help you further, oppa. I hope that things will turn out well for you, Hyewon-unnie and Kkura-unnie."

"That means a lot coming from you, Minju. Thanks. I'll call you again tomorrow if that's okay."

"Yes I'll be waiting then. Stay safe, oppa."

After the call ended, Y/N lets out a sigh, knowing that things will be a bit difficult from here on. Still, he knew that he needs some more time to think about everything before he sees either of them.

Before anything else, he decides to head to his apartment first. His parents had already made the necessary arrangements for his return, and that Yuri will be expecting him to arrive tonight. Not wanting to keep her waiting, he then hailed a taxi in order to get there fast.

Along the way, Y/N took some time to do a little sightseeing. It's been half a year since he was in Seoul, and because of it, he missed the vibrant atmosphere that the city has. From the bustling streets that are always filled with busy pedestrians to the impressive structures all around him, even he can say that this city also feels like his second home. A lot of things had already happened to him there in such a short time, both good and bad. All the same, those times are a part of the new life that he now has, a life that gave him a chance to start over from the past that he thought he had already lost.

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