Chapter 4: Golden Hour

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"This is great! Thanks for the free ice cream, Y/N!" The girl said as she and Y/N were enjoying their food at the town park.

"No problem. But hey, I'm the one who lost the bet earlier, so it's only right that I would be the one to treat you today." Y/N said as he sighed.

"You bet! Now that I think about it, I feel a bit guilty making you pay for this food."

"Don't. But try to watch out the next time we play a game. If I win, you're going to treat me to a full-course dinner." He said to her.

"Be careful what you say, Y/N. I was just thinking the same thing, and for that, I already thought of such a place just in case." She said with a smirk.

"Hmph. For sure, I'll be able to win next time. For now, enjoy your victory while it lasts."

"Don't mind if I do!" She said as they laughed a bit.

After a while, they both finished their ice cream, but neither of them wanted to go home yet.

"It feels so nice just to stay here every day, especially when I'm with you." The girl said to him with a sweet voice.

"Y-yeah, you're right. I know I already told you a bunch of times now, but I'm glad that you became my best friend."

"Aww, you're such a sweet guy, Y/N. Trust me, I'm certain that whoever becomes your girlfriend in the future is a very lucky one indeed."

"Y-you think so?"

"Sure! I've known you since we were kids. Now that we're both in high school, I think I'm confident enough to say that I know what kind of person you are." She proudly said to him.

"O-oh, I see. Well, you do have a point. But I'm not really sure if I have any good qualities of my own."

"Aish, you. Don't you dare say that, Y/N. First, you're a gentle and caring person who looks after his friends, and would never betray them. Second, you have a kind heart, and for me, it's the best trait that you have that will make that girl feel special whenever you're with her. Lastly, you're a very thoughtful person who thinks of others first before himself. While some people would say that it's a bad thing sometimes, but all in all, it just shows that you're a selfless person through and through. I could go on for hours telling you everything else I know about you, but I think these three are what defines you the most as a person. So, if anyone dares to say otherwise, they're going to have to answer to me and your younger sister."

Her words made his heart skip a beat, as he had never expected how his best friend thinks very highly of him. But deep down, his feelings towards her grew more because of what she said, though he decided to tell her about it for another time.

"Thank you for telling me all of that. It really means a lot to me knowing how much you think of me."

"That's what I'm here for, right? As long as we're together, I'll always make sure that you're happy with me, Y/N." She said, as she playfully pinched his cheeks.

"Oww, that hurts! Don't do it too much!"

"Hahaha, sorry! I got a little carried away." She said as she stopped teasing him.

The two were silent for a moment, until the girl asked him a sudden question.

"Y/N, if it's all right with you, can I ask you something?"

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