Chapter 18: Favor

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"It's time. Are you ready, Kkura?"

"I should be asking you the same question, Hyewon-ah."

"Hmph. You've got some nerve to challenge me in something I'm good at."

"Well, it never hurts to try. Who knows, I might get lucky and beat you in front of Y/N and Wonwoo here."

"Fine. But don't come crying back to any of us once your mouth gets sore afterwards."

"I won't. Shall we begin?"

"Yes. Let's."

Thus, Sakura and Hyewon began to take on the monumental trial in front of them, which is in the form of the Andromeda Burger Challenge. Beside them is the waitress who would act as the judge for their little competition.

In front of them were Y/N and Wonwoo, as the former looked on in worry due to them abruptly taking such a task. On the other hand, Wonwoo felt excited as to who among the two of them would end up victorious.

"I can't believe this. We're supposed to celebrate today for our exams, yet these two decided to punish themselves more?" Y/N said as his eyes were fixated on the two girls.

"Yah, don't be like that, Y/N! In fact, you should be proud of these two warriors ready to duke it out to see who the better glutton is. While we're at it, why don't we place some wagers?" Wonwoo said as he takes out his wallet.

"Wait, seriously? Hmm, I guess there's no harm in doing it then. I'm betting on Kkura winning this one." Y/N proudly said to him.

"A risk taker, I see. If you ask me, Hyewon is the safer bet, for I have seen her devour a gigantic burger so easily before. This is as good as won for me." Wonwoo said with a smirk.

"All right, are you two ready? The time limit is 20 minutes. 3...2...1...go!" The waitress said as the two contenders began attacking the enormous food before them.

Once they started eating, Y/N, Wonwoo and a few spectators cheered on whichever one they chose to win.

"Haha, you're in trouble, Y/N. It looks like Hyewon is about halfway done with hers. Are you starting to regret your choice now?" Wonwoo taunted him.

"Never! She may not be as fast as Hyewon, but Kkura won't lose so easily to her. Just you wait, Wonwoo." He answered back.

Even though Wonwoo was right, Y/N could see that Hyewon is beginning to slow down, as he thought of the reason why. Despite her ability to eat like a pro, it seemed as if she has a low tolerance for spicy foods. Meanwhile, Sakura continues to gnaw at her burger, albeit with a slow and steady pace. With just ten minutes left, the momentum began to shift in her favor.

"Hehe. I told you it was too early for you to celebrate, Wonwoo. I guess this would be my- I mean, Kkura's victory today." He said to him mockingly.

"No, this cannot be! I was saving this money to buy the latest gundam kit! Kang Hyewon, don't you dare lose now!" Wonwoo pleaded to her.

However, Hyewon simply ignored him as she tries to concentrate. But her efforts were for naught, as she looked towards Sakura in disbelief.

She was staring at Hyewon with a smug face, holding the last bite of the burger before finishing it. As such, the waitress declared her the winner.

"No...way..." Wonwoo said as Hyewon happily accepted her loss.

"You actually won against me. Good job, Kkura. I need to amp up my skills next time. I'll have my revenge soon." She said.

Sentimentality (Sakura x Male Reader x Hyewon)Where stories live. Discover now