Chapter 9: Portfolio

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"Here Y/N! Say cheese!" The girl said, as she took a photo of him using her phone.

The two of them were at the school's rooftop for lunch, as Y/N promised her that he will share it with her today.

"Aish, why do you always take pictures of me every day? Keep that up, and you won't have any left to sort your other photos for yourself." Y/N said to her.

"What, don't you like it? If so, then I'll stop." She said while looking away from him. He could see that she was pouting at what he said, which made him sigh.

"Yah, it's not because I don't like it, okay? Then again, I'm sorry if you thought it that way."

"Hmph, you're just saying that to make me feel better! Forget it. I won't talk to you for the rest of the day." She said as she starts to walk away.

"Haha, you know you don't have the heart to. But it's okay if you leave me now. This means I can have all of eomma's special homemade lunch all to myself. Just thinking about it makes me excited for today's lunch." He said, making her stop.

Noticing that it's working, Y/N continues to tease her.

"Mmm, just look at how delectable this kimchi is, it just looks appetizing. Of course, there's nothing better than having spicy mushroom soup on the side, along with these steamed eggs, and fresh vegetable salad. I can't wait to get started."

By now, she was she was barely trying to prevent herself from going back. Finally, Y/N decided to use his last trick.

"Oh how foolish of me, how could I forget? She also made takoyaki as a special treat for someone. Well, since she's not here to join me, then it's as good as mine." He said.

That was the last straw, and as soon as she heard her favourite food, she immediately went back towards Y/N, who was grinning at her.

"Okay, bring it here. Let's eat, and I'm sorry for leaving you, Y/N." She said with a serious face, as her eyes were entirely focused on the lunch pack that Y/N brought with him today.

"Fine, here you go. Umm, I'm sorry again for earlier."

"Apology accepted, Y/N. No worries, all is forgiven." She said as she began helping him bring out all the food for them to share.

"Glad to hear it, but you sounded like a priest though." He said to her, but she paid no attention to him.

The two began their sumptuous lunch together, as she started to fill her mouth with everything she can get her chopsticks on.

"Hey, slow down will you? We still have a lot of time, you know!" Y/N said to her, only to be ignored as she keeps on eating her favourite takoyaki.

In just a matter of minutes, they managed to finish all the food in front of them.

"That sure hits the spot right there. It was a good meal like always. How about you?" He asked her.

"It was great! Thanks again, Y/N. You know, besides the takoyaki, I really liked the kimchi. You're lucky to be eating all these wonderful dishes every day." She said to him.

"Thanks, but uh...the one who cooked that kimchi was me. " He weakly said to her.

"WHAT? Wow, you're amazing Y/N! I'm supposed to say that I don't believe you, but then again, you never lie to me. I should have expected that you'll be a wonderful cook someday." She cheerfully said to him.

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