Chapter 5: My Friend, My Rival

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"Hi oppa! I'm glad you finally answered me." Minju said as she and Y/N were speaking through another video call.

"Well, sorry about not calling you sooner, Minju-ya. I was just thinking about a lot of stuff from school, that's all." He replied.

"It's okay, don't worry about it! Mom and Dad are already asleep, so maybe you could talk to them some other time."

"I see. You better sleep too, since it's already late."

"You're just using that as an excuse just so you can end this call. I'm not falling for it!"

"Oh yeah? Suit yourself. All I have to do is to stare at you blankly until you get bored."

"Yah, don't do that! I still want you to talk about what happened on your first day in college."

"To be honest, there's not much to talk about, really. I simply attended my subjects just like usual, and met a few people who became my friends."

"Really! That's great! I'm happy for you, oppa! So who are your new friends?" She asked him, as Y/N smiled thinking about them just now.

"Well, okay then. I guess I do have to tell you about them at least. There are four of them, to be exact. The first one is Miyawaki Sakura. As you can notice, she's Japanese. I actually met her yesterday while I was out buying some stuff for my apartment. To put it simply, I somehow managed to help her with something along the way, and after that, she treated me to lunch afterwards. We then started talking to each other, and that's how I found out that she's going to attend Seoul University as well."

"Ooh, she seems like an interesting person, oppa."

"That she is. Not to brag or anything, but I can tell from first glance that she's a reliable and fun person to be friends with."

"Are you sure about that, oppa? The way you describe her just now made me think that you like her more than a friend." She teased.

"Aish, you're over thinking things again. Stop doing that and let me continue."

"Well, okay. I still don't believe you, though."

"Fine by me. Anyways, next one is Jeon Wonwoo. The best way to describe this guy is that he's a complete nerd. His personality, hobbies, even the way he talks. Still, I think that he's a really good person, if a bit weird, sometimes."

"Hahaha! I can't believe that a guy like him became your friend, oppa! Then again, there's nothing wrong with that. I bet he knows a lot about video games and any other geeky stuff that even you can relate to."

"I know, right? That's why he wasn't able to get along well with this other person. His name is Chwe Hansol. The best way to describe him is that he looks like the good-looking, popular guy who will always be flocked by girls, no matter the situation. Despite this, I think he's a considerate person who doesn't brag about himself, and that's a good thing."

"Whoa, it seems your friends are a lot diverse than I expected, oppa. Who would have thought that you'll both have a nerd and a good-looking guy in the same group."

"You have a point. But actually, I still don't know him that much, so who knows. One thing's for certain though, Sakura.....seems to like him a lot too."




"Hmm? What is it, Minju?"

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