Chapter 11: Downpour

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"What a way to start the day." Y/N said as he looks at the window of his apartment, watching the rain pour since early morning.

He sighed while thinking that this might affect his plans later in the day, as he will be attending a concert later.

"I wish it would stop at least before I leave this afternoon. If not, then I will have to tell her that I won't be coming." He said as he goes back to the kitchen to make coffee.

After having a simple breakfast that he made himself, his phone started ringing.

Upon picking it up, he chuckled as he saw the name of the caller.

Opening the app to begin the video call, he went towards the living room to place his phone on the table.

"Hi oppa! It's been a while." Minju greeted him with a bright smile.

"Good morning to you too, Minju-ya. You're looking ugly as usual." He said with a grin.

"Yah, that's what you say to me this early in the morning? You do know we almost look like each other like we're twins, right?" She said while pouting at him.

"Point taken. I'm still much better-looking than you, though." He said.

"Hehehe. Then how come you don't have a girlfriend, oppa?" She replied, which made him nearly spit out his coffee.

"Ouch, you truly know to hit me where it hurts, Minju. You've improved." He said to her.

"Well, I learned from the best, and that person is you. Don't underestimate me." She said with a hint of confidence.

"Fine, you win this time. Anyways, how are mom and dad doing?"

"They're fine but they're busy. They almost always go home pretty late, which makes me feel a bit lonely here. Right now, they're still sleeping."

"I see, I hope they don't overwork themselves. Please take care of them for me, Minju."

"Of course oppa, you can count on me! How about you, are you doing well today?"

"Hmm, I guess so. But this weather's really affecting my mood. It's been raining here in Seoul for three days straight!" He told her.

"Now that does sound awful. It's a good thing you don't have classes today, oppa. But I hope that it will stop soon. It's only a bit gloomy here in Jeonju, so there's that." She said.

"That's nice to hear. If this keeps up, I won't be able to go out for the day. Now that sucks."

"You really shouldn't, if it's not that important. Where are you going anyway?"

"About that, well you see, a friend of mine gave me tickets to a mini concert that will be held later today. But if the weather is like this, then I might tell them that I won't be coming."

"Wow, a concert? You're lucky, oppa. I always wanted to attend one as well."

"Yeah, I know. It's just a mini-concert though, and I'm not familiar with the band's name. Wait a second, I'll show you the ticket." He said as Minju nodded.

When he did, Minju was also not familiar with the group's name, which made them both sigh.

"It must be an indie band, oppa. Still, having a chance to attend a live concert would be quite the experience. I hope that you'll be able to go there later." She said to him.

"I really hope so. It would be a waste if I won't be able to, since I'm also looking forward to it."

"I know, right? By the way, who are you going with? It would be awkward if you're going there alone, right?" She asked.

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