Chapter 6: Sympathy

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"It's over, but why do I feel uneasy?"

"I should be happy for them now. Soon, Kkura would finally have a chance with him, right?"

"But still, why do I feel this way? Did I do the right thing?"

These are the questions that linger in Y/N's mind as he walks in the city streets alone. He didn't want to go home yet, all because he can't shake the feeling that he may have made a mistake. Just by thinking about it is starting to cause him pain that he thought was familiar. It's as if that this isn't the first time that he felt this way.

"I don't understand. Somehow just by thinking about them being together makes my heart ache. Yet, why do I feel that this had happened before." He thought.

"No, that's impossible. Why would you think that way, Y/N? I'm sure that I never had any relationships before, and that's the truth! This is actually the first time I fell for someone this much, but I guess it was not meant to be. Okay, calm down. You finally told Vernon everything, so there's no changing that now. You'll eventually encounter someone who will feel the same way for you. Yes, that's it. All I need is patience." He said, trying to convince himself.

He was so occupied with his own thoughts that he didn't notice a person walking towards him. It was a mistake, and he accidentally bumped into her. The two of them both fell on the ground.

"Aw crap, that hurts! Watch where you're going, pabo!" The person yelled to him.

"I'm so sorry, miss! I wasn't paying attention while walking! Are you all right?" Y/N said as he helps her get up.

"Yeah, I guess. Try and pay attention to where you're walking next time, okay? Then again, I guess I'm one to talk." She said to him, as she was also busy with her phone when Y/N bumped into her.

"Then it seems we're both at fault, then. I still have to apologize to you, though. Wait a minute, you look familiar." Y/N said, as he tries to remember where she saw this girl.

"Of course I am, idiot. I'm the one who saw you smiling without a care in the world during your first day here. "

Her words made him realize who she was, as he finally recalls seeing her before.

"You, you're the girl wearing a hooded jacket from before!" He said in a loud voice, which startled her.

"Aish, keep it down, will you? But yeah, you're right. That would be me. Kim Y/N, was it?"

"That's right. Now that I think about it, we never had a chance to introduce ourselves. Well, it's practically your fault, since you ignored me that day." He said to her.

"My bad. It wasn't my intention to be rude, but I'm sorry for ignoring you. I was busy thinking about a lot of stuff that day, but that's not a good reason to ignore someone. Let's start over, shall we? My name is Choi Yena. Like you, I'm a college student at Seoul University too, taking up Psychology. It's good to meet you, Y/N." She said in a tomboyish voice, as she and Y/N shook hands.

"Since you already know my name, I won't introduce myself anymore. But I'm glad to finally have a chance to talk to you, Yena-ssi." He replied, with both of them smiling.

"So uh, I don't mean to pry, but it seemed like you have a lot on in your mind, Y/N. Are you feeling okay?" She asked him.

"You're right, Yena. That's the reason why I wasn't paying attention while I was walking."

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