Chapter 22: Fulfillment

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After a fun and memorable day that he knows he won't forget, Y/N eventually went back home with a bright smile on his face. He can't hide the happiness that he's feeling after both he and Sakura officially became a couple. Words can't express how grateful he was for this day, as the moment that he was longing for had finally occurred.

From now on, they will now see each other in a special way, as they are now both looking forward to spending their spring break as meaningful as possible.

Opening the door to his apartment, he slowly walked inside and turned on the lights before locking it again like he always does. Putting his bag on the shelf near him, he then sat comfortably on the sofa while still thinking about all that took place earlier.

"Kim Y/N, you did it. You actually did it! I'm so proud of what you had accomplished today, and from now on, you're not single anymore! Hahaha, well done, you beautiful bastard! I still can't believe it, she actually said yes! This is truly the happiest day in my life so far. I have to always be at my best whenever I'm with her. My heart keeps on beating like crazy even now. Is this what guys feel when they're in love? Ugh, I guess I still have a lot to learn in order to be a really good boyfriend to her. But that won't be a problem, for I'll do what I can to become one for her, because she deserves it." He said while looking at the ceiling in pure bliss.

After he was done recalling today's events, he began preparing himself to go to bed for the night. Making sure that he didn't forget to do anything, he decided to drink some tea to calm himself a little, as the feeling of excitement over having a girlfriend is still very much on his mind.

He opened the door towards the balcony, as he wanted to further relax himself while taking in the beautiful scenery below him. Sipping his tea, he took a seat next to the coffee table as he admires the panoramic view of the cityscape. For sure, he was having a good time, and he considers it a good way to end such a wonderful day that he had.

Not long after, his phone started ringing as usual, as he looked to see who's calling.

He then let out a smile as he answered, as the video call began.

"Hi oppa! How's your day today?" Minju said as she greeted her brother.

"Hmm, that's an easy question, Minju-ya. Let's just say that today is truly special for me. I'll just spare you the details for now." He said with a little teasing.

"Yah, don't be like that! I want to know what happened! You told me that you'll be hanging out with your friends at the amusement park, right? I'm feeling so envious just by thinking about it."

"Well, you have every reason to be jealous, as I really had a great time there along with my friends. Don't worry, I promise I'll take you somewhere nice once you're here."

"I'll hold you to it, oppa. Say, maybe it's just me, but I have a feeling that you're really happy about something else other than that, hmm?"

"What do you mean, Minju? T-that's the only reason why I'm so happy, of course! Come on, you're overthinking again." He argued.

"Nope, I know you all too well. You're hiding something, and I want to know about it right now!" She said, as Y/N can't think of any excuse to try and avoid her "interrogation".

"Still not willing to say anything, huh? Then you don't mind if I take a wild guess."

"S-sure, Minju-ya. W-whatever you say. But you only have one chance to do so, and no more than that."

"Fine with me, oppa. Now, as for what I'm thinking, I hope that I get the right answer." She said, while pretending that she's nervous about it.

"Yah, don't act as if you are in a game show. Just say it so we can talk about something else."

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