Chapter 27: Agony

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"Well, I guess this is goodbye for now, Hyewon-ah. I hope you enjoyed your time with us today." Y/N said as the three of them stood by the mall's exit.

"I did, Y/N. Thank you for inviting me. You too, Minju." She said as she smiles warmly towards Minju.

However, Y/N noticed that his sister is pouting for some reason, as he looked to see that she was staring at the plush toy that Hyewon has in her hands.

Hyewon had noticed this as well, which prompted her to try and give it to her instead.

"Here you go, Minju. You can have it instead. No worries."

"N-no it's okay, Hyewon-unnie. You won it fair and square at the arcade earlier, so it's fine. But next time, I'll be sure to win against you on that shooting game." Minju said in an assertive tone, which made her look childish in front of them the moment she said it.

"Hehe, if you say so. I'll be waiting then. You can challenge me at anytime." She replied with confidence.

"Hmph. If I don't win the next time, oppa will fight you in my stead."

"Wait what? How did I get dragged into your little competition?" He said, making the two girls laugh at his expense.

"We're just kidding, Y/N. But really, see you both soon. Thanks again."

Both Hyewon and Minju shared a brief hug before the former leaves, as she soon rode a taxi home while the two siblings began to walk towards the bus station.

On the way, the two began to talk about what happened the whole day, and Y/N can see that his sister really did have a great time with both him and Hyewon.

"Minju, I'm glad that you met Hyewon today, and that you became friends with her as well."

"Me too, oppa. She's a really kind person, that's for sure. I'm glad that you met her here in Seoul."

"I know, right? To be honest, I owe her a lot. She's actually one of the first people whom I met at the university, and she's been a great help to me ever since."


"Yup. She and Sakura are both important to me, for without them, my life here would be duller than I think."

"Wow, oppa. I know you're not kidding about how much they mean to you, but the way you said it made me cringe a bit." Minju teased, making Y/N tickle her neck in retaliation.

"Hahaha! I'm sorry, hahaha!" She said as Y/N finally stopped.

"That's what you get for making fun of me, pabo."

Soon after, they reached the station in time, as they wait for the next bus to arrive.

"Minju, I wanted to ask you about something."

"Huh? What is it?"

"It's nothing serious I think, but then again, it got me wondering why such thoughts are still stuck in my head even today."

"Hmm, it sounds serious judging from your facial expression, oppa. What's it about?"

Y/N paused for a few seconds, which made Minju feel even more curious about what he's about to say.

"Well it's about Hyewon, and I'm not really sure why I kept on thinking about her recently."

His words made Minju feel nervous all of a sudden, as she feared that he might try to ask her something that she doesn't want to answer right now.

Sentimentality (Sakura x Male Reader x Hyewon)Where stories live. Discover now