Chapter 17: Affection

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"Well, I'll be going now, okaa-san." Sakura said, as her mother bids her goodbye.

"Be careful, okay? I leave her to you then, Y/N-ssi." She said to him.

"Yes, ma'am. I'll take care of her as always." He assured her.

"I know you will. Thank you once again for taking care of our daughter. Have a great day, you two." She said, as the two of them head off towards the bus station.

"What a nice young man. I wonder if their friendship can turn into something else. He's perfect for you, Kkura." She said with a smile, as she went back inside their home.

It was a clear Sunday morning when Y/N and Sakura decided to study together for the exams. For some reason, she decided to do it in Y/N's home, which made him feel curious as to why she wants to. Thinking that it was pointless to ask her, he went along with her plan, with him preparing ahead of time to make sure that they'll be able to study well.

Riding the bus, Y/N kept himself busy playing a mobile game on his phone, while Sakura was looking at the window, seeing the many people who walk the busy streets of the city. As the bus stops near the entrance of the mall, she can't help but feel envious of the people who're going to spend the day in leisure. For her, it was a pity that they have to study for their exams first before they can start having fun themselves.

Y/N noticed her sulking, which made him stop playing his game.

"Kkura, is something wrong?" He asked her.

"I-it's nothing, really. I was just thinking about something." She replied.

"What is it?"

"I just thought that it's a bit unfair that we have to study like this during a bright weekend. I wish we could just get off at this stop and enjoy ourselves in the mall or something. I really miss going to the PC Bang now." She said with a pout.

Her words made you chuckle as you gave a pat on her shoulder.

"Yah, we'll have plenty of time to do that once the exams are over. For now, let's just concentrate on studying. I promise we'll go somewhere after the exam week." He said to her.

"Yes, you're right. I'm looking forward to it then. But where should we go?" She asked.

"That is a good question. I was thinking of going to the amusement park, if that's all right with you."

"Of course I want to go there! It's a great idea! Oh, I think we should invite Hyewon and Wonwoo-ssi to come with us too. The more, the merrier, right?" She suggested.

"I agree. Now that I think about it, it's been a while since we last hung out with those two. Now I'm feeling a bit guilty. Then it's all set. I'll make sure to invite them to come with us." You promised her.

"Nice! I can't wait to talk to Hyewon again. I owe her an apology for not being able to spend time with her these past few days." She said to him.

"Yeah, you two grew close ever since we joined the Photography Club, right? Speaking of which, I heard that we're going to do a three-day camping trip next month. If you ask me, it's going to be about taking pictures of nature and wildlife, that's for certain. I can't wait."

"It does sound exciting. I guess we're going to rely on Hyewon's skills again, Y/N. But thanks to her, we both improved with our photography skills."

"That's true. We both owe her a lot. Oh, it looks like we're here." He said, as the bus stops near to where his apartment is located.

Getting off the bus, the two walked the quiet but pleasant streets on the way towards the building, as Sakura was impressed at the location of where he lives.

Sentimentality (Sakura x Male Reader x Hyewon)Where stories live. Discover now