Chapter 39: You and I

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This chapter will be told through Y/N's perspective. I hope you enjoy this one.

If I will be asked by someone about how to describe my life so far, then it's right for me to say that it's a journey full of nostalgia.

Yes, I think it's the best word that I can think of, as it embodies all the experiences that I had, which began from my past up until where I am today.

It goes without saying that I learned a lot of lessons from such happenings, all brought about by everyone around me, guiding me as I move forward.

Never did I think that I will caught up in the middle of unexpected circumstances, most of it came from the very girl whom I had cherished ever since the day I met her.

This girl always had a vibrant aura going on about her, and this inspired me to live my days full of nothing but happiness.

We were inseparable, doing things which anyone around our age would do at that time. With her, every single day was full of bliss, and I was glad that she never fails to show me how much she enjoyed my company.

At that time, I thought that nothing in this world can separate us, and that our bond will continue to be strong the more time we spent together as more than friends.

However, it would seem that fate had a different plan altogether, for it caused us to walk on two separate paths.

Plagued by the sadness that she had long hidden from me, she wanted to run away from it all. I never realized that her life was always directed by the very people who failed to show her love, let alone pure affection. All she wanted was a life that is hers, free from anyone who seek to manipulate her for their own selfish reasons.

But when she had made a decision, she knew that she'll have to pay a great price in return, just to make it happen.

Even today, I never wanted to recall that painful moment, as the pain that it brings still haunts my heart.

It was also the day when I lost a great part of the wondrous life that I have.

All the memories that I have with her had vanished, including those which are the most precious to me.

It should have been over by that point. Looking back at it now, my own life should have ended then and there, as I couldn't imagine how I would be able to face my future without someone like her with me.

I was already lost, and the only reason why I survived would be nothing short of a true miracle.

Someone told me that none of us know the time when we will leave this world of ours, but we have to be prepared for it no matter what.

I took those words by heart, and with it, I was ready to leave everything behind, including all the people who still care for me.

But alas, it wasn't my time to leave after all, for I was given a second chance to live once again.

With this, my life began anew, as I looked forward to everything that awaits me.

It was a fresh start, full of numerous opportunities which will aid me on building my own future.

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