Chapter 3: First Day

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"Y/N, just remember to eat breakfast before you go out okay?"

"Of course I will, mom. How could I forget that? Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. You already began telling me that since I was a kid."

"Aish, my son. I'm just making sure that you're taking care of yourself out there."

"Don't do that too much, dear. Our Y/N's a grown up now. Try and give him a chance to live on his own. Am I right, Y/N?

"Yes dad. I appreciate that you and mom are still worried about me. I'm doing well so far. Today's my first day at college, so wish me luck."

"We will, son. I know you can do it. Just so you know, I'm actually proud that you made that decision."

"Wow thanks, dad. That means a lot."

"Yah, don't forget about me, oppa! I support you too!"

"I know, Minmin. You're the best sister I could ever have, well, maybe."

"I told you not to call me by that nickname anymore! It sounds like I'm a kid!"

"That's because you're still the same childish Minju that I know. By the way, I know it was you who changed my phone alarm." He said, making Minju chuckle.

"Figured it out, huh? Did you like it?"

"No, pabo. That's why I changed it!"

"Why did you do that, oppa! That was the perfect way for you to start the day!"

"I disagree. It already ruined my morning the first time I heard it."

"WHAT? Mom, dad, oppa is picking on me again!"

"All right, that's enough, both of you. Still, I'm glad you're both getting along well, both of you."

"Yes we are, dad. Take care of yourselves back there, all right?"

"We should be the ones telling you that, Y/N. The city is a dangerous place, so make sure to be more careful every day, promise?"

"Yes mom. I have to go now. I'll call you again later, okay?"

"Sure, son, Take care."

"Goodbye oppa!"

Y/N waved goodbye towards his family before he ended the video call. He felt good that he would be able to contact them this often, which is always a good thing.

"I never had a chance to say this to them, but I feel lucky to have a family that supports me. Now I can begin my life here without any worries." He said as he prepares his breakfast for the day.

Afterwards, he began preparing all the things that he needs to get started. Since it's only the first day, he only brought what he needed, as he expected that today would be just reserved for introductions with their professors. He then looked at his schedule, and he was happy that he only has three subjects for today.

"Guess I have some free time in between, that's nice." He thought to himself as he gets ready for the day.

Once he made sure that he didn't forget anything else, Y/N walks out of his apartment with a smile on his face. The fact that he's excited to be attending a university in Seoul got him in a very enthusiastic mood. Yuri, who saw him walking down the stairs, greeted him.

"You look so happy today, Y/N. Are you that excited for your first day at college?" She asked.

"Yes I am, Yuri-ssi. I'm looking forward to it."

"That's good to hear. Most of the other students living here always think of college life as if it was hell on earth. I'm glad you're not like them."

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