Chapter 2: A Chance Meeting

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"You're looking good today, Y/N! Today must be a special day for you, isn't it?"

"Uh, not really. Umm, what do you guys want?"

"Oh come on. Don't pretend you don't know what we want from you today. But just in case, I'll spell it out for you. We need our weekly allowance, just like always." The boy laughed as the rest of his peers did as well.

"N-no, I don't have much money today! My mom just gave me enough to buy my lunch, and I don't have anything to spare! Please, I promise I'll pay you guys tomorrow!" Y/N said nervously towards their leader.

"That won't do, I'm afraid. Didn't we have a deal before? I told you that as long as you have some money to give us, then we're good. I don't care if you won't have anything left for your lunch, but a deal's a deal, got it?"

"I-I won't let you have it! Frankly, I had enough of you and the others pushing me around!"

"Am I hearing things? You sound as if you're trying to tell me that you're backing off from our deal. You've got guts, but let me remind you who's got the upper hand here. You see, if you're going to be this stubborn, then I'll have no choice but to do something I don't really want. All right you two, put him against the wall so I can teach this nerd a lesson." The leader of the group said as the others forcibly held Y/N against the wall.

He then started hitting him with force, as the pain started to make Y/N feel uncomfortable and in pain with each punch he took.

Just as when the bullies showed no signs of stopping, someone managed to spot them.

"Yah, what the heck do you guys think you're doing? Let go of him!" A girl said, gaining the attention of the trio.

"Oh crap, it's that girl again! Come on you two, let's get out of here. As for you Y/N, this isn't over yet." The leader said before he ran away with the others.

Seeing him in such a state brought nothing but sadness to the girl as she quickly went towards him.

"Oh no, Y/N! I told you to wait for me before you go home! Let's get you to the clinic first." She said to him.

"There' need... for that. I'm fine." He replied.

"No you're not! You got bruises all over. We're going there and that's that. Can you stand?"

"Y-yeah, I think I can. Thanks."

The girl slowly helped him stand up as they went towards the clinic together.

"How many times did this happen to you now, Y/N? I swear, those jerks just kept on bullying you whenever they want to. I still don't understand why he has to take money from you. Everyone knows he's the richest student here at our school, not to mention that he's the principal's son."

"I know that, but still, I guess he does it for no reason. He just likes to push people around, people who are easy to manipulate. I just happened to be one of them."

"Yah, don't say that. But from now on, I won't allow you to be alone at school, understand? This time, I'll protect you from them. I'll make sure nothing like this happens to you again." The girl said to him with a stern face.

"Uhh, okay. I promise, but..."

"But what?"

"Why would you go so far just for my sake? You don't gain anything by protecting me from them. In fact, by doing so, you'll just be in as much trouble as I do."

"Aish, I don't need a reason to do that, pabo. We're friends, and just like what we promised on that bridge back then, we'll always be together. I intend to keep my end of that pact. I hope you feel the same." The girl asked him.

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