Chapter 21: Confession Pt. 2

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"Hyewon-ssi, it's starting!" Wonwoo said excitedly as the night parade begins at the amusement park. Together with Hyewon, they watched along with the crowd as the various performers, starting from the park's resident mascots all the way to the participating cosplayers were all there to bring joy to their audience.

Meanwhile, Hyewon was busy recording the whole event as promised, in order for both Y/N and Sakura to watch it later. But deep down, she felt a bit concerned while wondering if everything will turn out all right for the two of them.

"Hyewon-ssi, are you getting all this? This is all so exciting! It's a shame that those two weren't able to watch all of this in person. It sure feels different when you're right here in front of all of them!" Wonwoo said to her, although Hyewon was too occupied with her own thoughts while recording the whole event.

"I wonder if they'll be all right. This is a big moment for the two of them, especially for Y/N. I hope that jerk wouldn't try to do anything bad to them. But it said that they won't do a thing unless I asked them to, so I have no choice but to trust their word for it."

"Umm, Hyewon-ssi, are you okay? You're not answering to anything I said to you just now." Wonwoo said in concern, making Hyewon stop her recording momentarily as she turns to face him.

"Oh, I'm sorry Wonwoo. I was just.....thinking about something. I'm not ignoring you on purpose." She replied.

"I see. Well it's about Y/N and Sakura, isn't it? I must say, I'm feeling a bit nervous for them actually. But still, I trust that everything will turn out just fine for them. I'm sure that they're also having a great time right now riding those swan boats, even though it's not as exciting as the parade we're watching right now. So yeah, it's better if we just wait for them instead. If it makes you feel any better, I bet they'll come back here to us holding hands, and that's all you need to know that it's a success.

"Yes I agree with you, Wonwoo-ssi. Guess I'd better get back to recording, for I wouldn't want them to miss anything else, especially those characters that you were looking forward to. What were they called again?" Hyewon asked him, as she begins recording once more.

"Come on, Hyewon-ssi. I already told you the title a bunch of times already! It's called Attack on Giants, and you can't call yourself a true anime fan without knowing anything about it!"

"Okay, I get it. No need to sound so assertive. I won't forget it next time. But I haven't seen any of those characters yet. They must be saving the best for last."

"Yes they are, Hyewon-ssi. Let's just enjoy the rest of the parade for now, although these park mascots do seem a bit boring to watch."

"I totally agree with you there, but what can you do? They're practically considered the main event here, since they represent the park after all."

"Yeah you're right. Come on, just bring out the rest of the cosplayers already!" Wonwoo said, as he began to feel impatient as Hyewon seemed to laugh at his antics.

But deep down, she was thankful for what he said earlier. Right now, the best thing she could do was to hope for the best for both Sakura and Y/N.

Meanwhile, at the Lord Nelson's Lake, the two best friends were having a good time riding the swan as they wander around the waters in glee. At first, Y/N was worried that Sakura wouldn't be able to enjoy the ride together, as she was not used to pedaling something as huge as the swan boat that they're about to ride. But just a few minutes in, she was already hooked into it. Due to this, she even wrested control of the steering wheel from Y/N, as she wanted to drive the thing herself, with the latter forced to go along with what she wants to do.

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