Chapter 19: Temptation

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"The truth is, I like Sakura, you know, as more than a friend. I was hoping if you would be able to help me confess to her this coming Saturday. I will never forget this favor if you can help me succeed."

Hyewon felt a tinge of sadness upon hearing his request. But nonetheless, she gave him the only answer that she knew he would appreciate.

"All right, I'll help you. I have to say though, I already knew that you like her, Y/N." She said while trying to tease him about it.

"Huh? You do? But I don't think I made it that obvious." He said to her while scratching his head out of embarrassment.

"It is for me. Never underestimate a girl's intuition. Trust me. We know these things." Hyewon said with as she smiled a little.

"Well if that's true, then Kkura-"

"Nope. She doesn't know it yet, Y/N. However, I can tell you this. Right now, Sakura is having doubts as to what she feels about you. Why did I say this? It's because of the way you looked after her during the time when she needed someone. You, as her friend, went out of your way to do so, so there's that. You took care of her, made sure she's okay, and I think even her parents appreciated what you did. I'll give you points for that. The kindness you showed her would definitely go a long way." Hyewon proudly told him.

Having heard what she said, Y/N couldn't help but smile, as all he needs now is to finally tell her the truth at the right moment. For this, he needed her help in doing so.

"I'm impressed, Hyewon-ah. Right now, I'm glad when you said that you'll help me." He said to her.

"Yah, it's nothing. I'm your friend, so naturally, if you need my help, then I would do what I can  for you. Also, you don't owe me anything. Just do your best and be yourself when you confess to her. That's all you need to succeed." She assured him.

"Okay, I believe you. But you said that she's still not sure whether she feels the same way. Why is that?"

"Oh please. You really don't know?" She asked in jest.

"Uh, yeah. I'm sorry for being so clueless." He said in an apologetic tone.

"All right then, I'll tell you. First, we both know that she sees you only as a friend, right?"

"Yes. What about it?"

"Okay. Now, the reason why she's uncertain is because she only looked at you from that perspective, but nothing more beyond that. With this, she is doubtful on whether she would pursue those feelings of hers or she would just remain friends with you. From here, you can see that she's starting to see you as someone who's more than just a friend to her, for you were by her side the moment Vernon rejected her. The little things that you did for her sake was more than enough to make her second guess about whether she would take the plunge or not."

"You know, Hyewon-ah, you'd make a great counsellor if you want to. I never thought that you're capable of explaining it so thoroughly." He said as he gave a light chuckle.

"Aish, I'm serious, Y/N! Fine, let's just get to the important part, shall we? So you told me that you were planning to confess to her during our trip at the amusement park, right?" She asked.

"Yes, that's my plan. But beyond that, I don't know what to do." He said.

But before they can continue, the train finally arrived at the station, prompting them to board it first.

Thankfully, there weren't many passengers at that time, making it easier for them to continue their conversation.

Sentimentality (Sakura x Male Reader x Hyewon)Where stories live. Discover now