Chapter 31: Holiday

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Finally, the day of their much-awaited excursion to Myeongdong had finally arrived. For the last week of their vacation, the group made it their decision to make the most out of their remaining free time, as they all knew that the next term is just right around the corner. What's more is that Minju will be going back home just a couple of days after they return to Seoul, which only motivated Y/N to make it as memorable as possible for his sister's sake.

Being the designated driver for the trip, Wonwoo had prepared himself and his vehicle for that day, as he made sure that they won't be encountering any troubles along the road. With this, everyone is guaranteed a safe and relaxing trip until they get to their destination.

With him driving along while Y/N sits beside him on the passenger seat, the rest of their friends as well as Minju are all at the back. They noticed that the girls are sleeping, with Sakura and Hyewon dozing off comfortably while Minju laid down on the back seat along with a small pillow that she brought for herself. Only Yena is still awake, as she is in her own world while listening to music from her airpods. Judging from how she bangs her head from time to time, both of them assumed that she is listening to rock music.

"If you're feeling tired, you can sleep as well, Y/N. It's okay. It seems to me that you've been trying to keep yourself awake just so I could have someone to talk to." Wonwoo said to him while keeping his eyes on the road.

"No, I'm all right. Besides, I just want to make sure that you don't doze off while we're at the highway. You'll never know." He said while grinning at his friend.

"Oh come on, where's the trust, bro? Just so you know, I drank a couple of energy drinks just before we head out. That means I'm more than capable of staying awake for at least a couple more hours. Then again, why do I feel a bit groggy just now?"

"Say what? Yah, are you kidding me or not?"

"Hahaha, got you, Y/N! You can relax now. I'll just tell you if I need to rest so you can take the wheel." He assured him.

"Well that's a relief. But yeah, it's no problem if you want to take a break. Driving for long hours can be very tiring too. By the way, I didn't know that you like to listen to this type of music." He said as he hears the sound of classical music from the car's speakers.

"Surprised? Well now you know. I actually like to listen to classical music once in a while. It's just my own way of relaxing my mind after a long and stressful day. Plus I also listen to it whenever I study. You should try it too."

"Hmm, maybe I will. Here I thought you only like kpop and anime music. You're full of surprises sometimes, Wonwoo."

"Hehe, I guess I am. I'll recommend you some songs that I like when we get back. I have an entire collection of albums just waiting for you back at my apartment." Wonwoo boasted.

"I kind of expected that you would have something like that. That and I'm imagining that you have a lot of limited edition girl figurines on display at your room, along with plenty of games as well."

"Oooh, how did you know? Then again, I'm a part of the great and timeless nerd culture, and I'm proud of it. 2D girls are always better than 3D, Y/N. Remember that."

"Oh really? I might as well tell Yena what you said just now." Y/N said in jest, as his words made Wonwoo temporarily stop the vehicle at the side of the road.

When they did, Yena quickly noticed, as she removed her airpods immediately to ask them if there's something wrong.

"Why did we stop? Do you need to piss or something?"

"N-no, it's nothing like that, Yena-ya. I uh, just needed to check something on the car's dashboard, b-but we're okay!" Wonwoo quickly replied to her.

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