Chapter 24: Siblings

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Y/N's eyes widened the moment he saw his younger sister in front of him, whom he thought would arrive much later than he initially thought.

Wasting no time, Minju gave him the tightest hug she could ever give, showing how much she missed him after he left their home a few months ago.

Though he may not admit it himself, Y/N also longed to see her as well. He's the type of sibling who usually hides his affections towards her. But today, he cast that aside due to how truly delighted he was to see her again in person.

"Okay, you can let go of the hug now, Minju-ya. I can't breathe."

"Oh, sorry oppa. I was just so happy that I finally saw you again." She said as she slowly let go of him.

"Yah, we see each other all the time, you know."

"I meant not through a video call, pabo. Aren't you going to let me in?"

"O-of course! Here, why don't you go inside while I carry your luggage to your room?"

"All right. Thanks, oppa!"

Minju quickly got inside his apartment as Y/N began to carry her things to the guest room where she'll be staying.

Once he's done, he went back towards the living room. There he saw her looking around his place with a bright smile.

"Wow, you're apartment is very nice, oppa. I never would have thought that it would be so spacious. Granted, I only see the living room whenever we talk to each other. Still, it's impressive."

"Well thanks for saying that, Minju. I try to clean the place from time to time as well, so that's why it's much more pleasant to look at."

"Wait a minute, oppa. Did you just say clean? I mean, you finally learned how to clean your place on your own?"

Her question triggered Y/N, who felt a bit annoyed about what's she's implying.

"Yah, you and I both know that I always make it a habit to clean my room as often as possible! You make it sound like I'm a lazy person." He argued.

"You can say that, but the way you clean meant cramming everything you don't use inside your closet! In my opinion, that doesn't count!"

"Well I....."

"Hmm? I hit the nail on the head just now, am I right, Kim Y/N?"

"Aish, fine. You win this time." He said with a defeated look on his face, much to Minju's delight.

"Ha! I'm just speaking the truth, after all. But still, I'm proud of you, now that you had become a very responsible guy, oppa."

However, Y/N knew all too well that she's mocking him, despite the seemingly kind words that she said.

"Ugh, looks like I have to endure your presence here much earlier than I thought. My time of peace inside this sanctuary of mine had vanished now that you're here."

"That's not fair, oppa! Like I said, I missed you so much. That's why I was so excited to be here with you."

"Okay, I understand. But you should have called me that you're going to be here today."

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