Chapter 30: Solitude

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At first, Y/N did not have any idea as to what place Sakura is referring to. But if there's one thing that he knew about his girlfriend, then that would be she's always full of surprises. That's why when she took both you and Minju to the place where she wanted to go, you can't help but smile as you remembered that this is the exact place where your friendship with her began.

"Well, here we are. How do you like this place, Minju-ya?" Sakura asked, as Minju was speechless while staring at the serene view before her.

"Unnie, you don't need me to say that this place is beautiful, because it really is. We have a lot of places like this back on our hometown, but they're not as huge as this one." She replied while still in awe of the city park's size.

"She's right, Kkura. As for me, even though I've been to this place a few times by now, it never fails to impress me. Just looking at it makes me want to relax and just let the time pass by without a care in the world, if you get what I mean."

"I'm glad you both said that. But what you said is true, Y/N. It's the first place I visited when I first arrived here in Seoul, so you could say that this place is indeed very special for me. So, what do the two of you want to do while we're here?"

"Good question. But for once, I'll let my sister decide since it's her first time visiting this place. What do you think, Minju-ya?"

Both he and Sakura were now looking at her, as Minju was busy thinking as to what she's going to do with them for the rest of the afternoon.

"Hmm. How about this, oppa? For now, we'll just walk around the place for a while instead. It's not really exciting, I know, but I really wanted to see the whole park while we can. Besides, you told me before that you met Kkura-unnie here as well, right? I'll let her talk about how your friendship began while the three of us are basking in the scenery. Will that be all right, unnie?" Minju said in a teasing manner.

"Aish, I had the feeling that you'll bring that up, and I was right."

"It's okay, Y/N. Don't worry about it. It'll be fun recalling what happened during those past few months, I think."

"Well if you say so. But please spare me that one embarrassing moment, all right?" Y/N pleaded, which made Sakura smirk as she remembered it well.

"What embarrassing moment? Please tell me about it, unnie!"

"Just let me decide on that, Minju. For now, let's go."

Even though Y/N was feeling a little tense because of it, he still went on to trust Sakura for now, as the three of them began giving themselves a tour of the city park which is beside the Han River.

From there, Sakura became their tourist guide of sorts, as she took the two siblings to the specific places that she's fond of, which began at the fountain area. This was the place where she and Y/N met for the first time, as she recalls the time when he saved her from being mugged by a pickpocket. Though it wasn't a pleasant experience for her, without it, they won't be able to get acquainted with each other, and the relationship that they now both have and cherish will not be possible. In a way, that encounter paved the way for them to become friends.

As they took a moment to admire the fountain, Y/N noticed Sakura smiling a bit, which only meant how memorable that day was for her. It's only right to say that he also shares this sentiment, as he can never be more thankful that he was able to meet such a wonderful person on his first day at the city.

Meanwhile, Minju listened to her unnie's story well, and even she can't help but admire the simple but heroic deed that her brother had done for her during that time. It made her feel even more proud of him after she heard it, as it's one more proof as to how genuinely kind-hearted he is ever since.

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