Chapter 7: Uncertainties

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Flashback, two days before Vernon's celebration

Hyewon was busy eating her light snack at the university's square. It was her vacant period at that time, and like always, she thought of this as a good time to relax after today's stressful afternoon classes.

She was in the middle of enjoying her chocolate-flavored donuts when someone called her.

"Hey there, Hyewon-ssi. Mind if I join you?" Vernon said as he approaches her.

"Of course. No problem." She replied as he sat beside her.

Someof the female students who walked past them were waving towards him as he waved back. However, they were all glaring on Hyewon instead, though the latter ignored them as if they weren't there.

"Sorry about that. I hope I'm not making you uncomfortable." Vernon apologized to her.

"Not at all, but you sure are popular though." She said back at him.

"Well I guess I am, but believe it or not, I'm not actually fond of always being the center of everyone's attention. Sometimes I prefer them to simply leave me alone for once. But I doubt that will happen."

"You're probably right. As for me, I'm glad I'm not that popular." She proudly said to him.

"You can say that, but I think I saw some guys here who seem to be interested in you." He said.

"Really? I don't believe you." She said while feeling a bit unsure about it.

"It's true. I'm not surprised if they do, because the truth is, you really are a very beautiful person."

His words made Hyewon cringe a bit, as Vernon was trying not smile.

"Aish, now I know that you are a flirt. I have to warn Sakura about you." She said to him with a grin.

"Yah, that was a compliment! I'm just telling the truth! Hmm, I shouldn't have said anything then." He told her.

The two fell silent afterwards, after that, they both laughed.

"Okay that's enough. You know what, I'm actually happy that you and the others became my friends, really." Vernon said to her as he looks at all the busy students who are walking past them.

"Why do you say that?" She asked, as she noticed him looking genuinely happy.

"It's nothing special. To tell you the truth, I used to be a loner too, with no one I could call a friend back in my high school days. Sometimes, being popular isn't everything. There are those who would resent you because of it, while others will stay away from you because they think they're not worthy to call themselves your friends. It's for that reason that I felt lonely. I thought that nothing will change once I get to college, yet here you guys are, who welcomed me like a true friends would. I'm very grateful for that, especially to you and Y/N."

After hearing his words, Hyewon was speechless, as she never thought that someone so popular and perfect like him would feel that way. But after listening to him, all she heard were nothing but sincere yet painful truths that he had experienced before.

"Umm, honestly, I don't know what to say to you, Vernon-ssi. But like you said, we're here for you now. Y/N, Sakura, myself, and even Wonwoo-ssi. That's the truth." Hyewon assured him.

"Thanks for saying that, although I'm not sure about Wonwoo. He always tries to avoid me whenever I saw him and Y/N here." He told her.

"That's just Wonwoo acting like himself. I'm sure he'll warm up to you someday."

Sentimentality (Sakura x Male Reader x Hyewon)Where stories live. Discover now