Chapter 36: Resolve

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Y/N's POV:

From the moment I managed to open my eyes again, the first thing that I felt was exhaustion, as if I had just returned from a long and tiring journey.

Come to think of it, I was also like this back then, with the only difference being that at that time, I was unaware that I had lost the entirety of my past, especially the times that I shared with Hyewon.

But now, it seems different, and all I could think of was what I should do now that I had returned to reality.

Slowly, I tried to take a look around as to where I am, but I was unable to. Aside from being weak, I also realized that I'm having difficulty moving any part of my body.

"No, this doesn't feel right. But then again....." I thought to myself.

Yes, I can no longer disregard the possibility that I was here for a long time, wherever this place is. Aided by sheer willpower, I managed to move my head a little bit, even though it hurts. It was then when I figured out that I'm lying on a hospital bed, and there is a machine beside me, which continuously beeps now that I had gained consciousness.

As I look to my left, I began to smile upon noticing the familiar face of my younger sister resting her head beside me. But then, I noticed that her hair was visibly shorter than before, which made me assume that she wanted to try a new look for once. Another thing is that her face seems tired, and that no amount of cosmetics could cover up those eye bags of hers. It may seem funny to anyone else, but not to me, for it only meant that she is always looking after me just like she did before.

A few seconds later, I saw her eyes open, and there she saw me looking at her. To my surprise, she thought that she was just dreaming, and that tried to go back to sleep. I then tried to pinch her cheeks using what strength I have, and luckily, it was good enough.

A moment of silence followed, and the look on her face upon seeing me awake was something that I will never forget. Soon after, I saw tears flow from her eyes, as I gave her a gentle smile, telling her that I'm here now.

Minju and I have always been very close, even though I tend to jokingly brush it off whenever someone says that to us. But the truth is, I owe my sister a lot by now, with her always looking after me even when I told her that I wanted to do something on my own. Now I know the true reason why she initially didn't want me to live alone in Seoul for my college studies. She just wasn't sure if I'll be able to start a new life, not because she did not trust me, but because of fear that at some point, those painful memories might come back again.

She gently gave me an embrace, knowing that my body still hurts after I woke up. But still, this small act of hers was more than enough to let me know how much she missed me, along with the fact that she feared that I won't be waking up for a longer time.

But alas, here I am now, only because my "friend" helped me return to my family, as well as to everyone who were waiting for me.

As she let go of the hug, Minju hurriedly picked up her phone from her bag, as she told me that she will contact our parents as soon as she can.

"Minju-ya, shouldn't you tell the doctors first before them?" I asked in jest, making her chuckle a bit.

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