Chapter 14: Warmth

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Sakura was walking alone towards the university entrance, as her thoughts were still occupied by what happened during the past two days. Still, she realized that she can't stay like this forever, and that she has to find some way to move on from it.

But it's easier said than done, with her heart still hasn't healed completely after the unexpected rejection from Vernon. She never thought that something like that would happen, as she was perfectly sure that he would accept her that day. Being rejected outright was the last thing on her mind, and yet, that's what occurred.

The day after that, she wasn't the same. Gone was the girl who always has a bright smile on her face, who was always ready to lighten the mood amongst her friends. Both grief and uncertainty occupied both her mind and heart, and she wasn't sure how long such feelings would remain.

However, today, she was able to return to her studies, ready for a fresh start once again.

It was because she had a serious discussion with her mother yesterday, which greatly helped her understand what she must do.

"Okaasan is right; I can't keep feeling like this forever. I have to try and move on, because it's the right thing to do. My friends are here for me, that much I know. I should be grateful that I still have them at my side, especially Y/N." She thought as she continues walking towards the university entrance.

However, there was one thing on her mind that still bothers her, which kept her puzzled afterwards.

"But I still don't understand what you said to me about him. Even if you're right, I can't just do what you told me, mom. He's just a good friend of mine, and I can't risk our friendship over something like that. For now, I'll just be content to have him at my side, it's better this way."

"If only there's another way for me to be certain as to how I feel, then things would have been easier."

Flashback, the day before

Sakura planned to spend her day in solitude, not wanting to get out of her room for the whole day. Even though she has to attend her classes that day, she believes that she's in no condition to be there, let alone understand the difficult lessons that might come her way. She had no choice, for she was still deeply affected by the aftermath of her date with Vernon. For sure, it was her first and last date with him, and that saddens her so much. She was certain that her feelings for him were genuine, which made it all the more painful when he didn't give her a chance.

At the moment, she was lying on her bed, unsure what she can do to face her friends if she decides to.

Suddenly, she heard a knock on the door.

"Saku-chan, breakfast's ready. Please open the door. I want to talk to you." Her mother said to her.

"Please, okaasan, I'm not hungry. I'll just eat something later." She replied.

"No, I won't allow that. Listen, if you don't want to go to your classes today, then that's fine. I understand that. But at least let me talk to you, I can't let you lock yourself the whole day while feeling like that."

Hearing her mother's pleading voice, Sakura had no choice but to open the door. Despite her state, she doesn't want her parents to worry about her too much, and she knows that they will keep checking on her until she does. It's one of the things why she loves them so much.

Once she opens the door, her mother can't help but be worried upon seeing her face. Her eyes were still red from all the crying she did the whole night. Even now, she can see the loneliness her daughter is feeling, which prompted her to give her an embrace.

Sentimentality (Sakura x Male Reader x Hyewon)Where stories live. Discover now