Chapter 23: Dating Plans

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"What's taking them so long?"

Y/N took another sip of his coffee while waiting for his two friends to arrive at their meeting place.

It's only been a few days since he and Sakura began their relationship, and as he expected, they started to be more familiar and comfortable with each other compared to when they were just friends. With this, both of them were optimistic about how close they would be as time passes.

However, he knew that there will be quite a few obstacles that will come their way, and for him, having a girlfriend for the first time does have its share of predicaments.

"Ugh, this is getting awkward. I've been waiting for them for 30 minutes already. Then again, I shouldn't have bothered them with this." He said as he let out a sigh while thinking of his phone conversation with Sakura two nights prior.

"A date?"

"Y-yeah, that's what I wanted to tell you, Kkura-ya. I was thinking of going out with you this coming weekend. Will that be all right with you?"

Sakura didn't reply immediately, as Y/N waits for her answer.

"Umm, I'm very sorry, Y/N. My parents had already made plans for the three of us that day, so I'm afraid I won't be able to."

"Oh, w-well, it's all right! Don't worry about it! It's good that you'll be able to spend some time with them of course."

"I'm really sorry, Y/N. But you know, I'll be free for the entire week after that, since it's still in the middle of our spring break. We could go out together by then!"

Having heard how enthusiastic she is, Y/N smiled as his mind began to think of where he would take her for their first date.

"That's great! So then, do you have any suggestions as to which place we should go to?"

"Hmm, let me think. Since we have an entire week with nothing else to do, let's go on a trip somewhere. I prefer to visit new places here in Korea where I haven't gone before. But I'll leave it to you to decide where. Is that okay?"

"Sure! Just leave the planning to me. I'll make sure both of us will have a great time together for our first date. I guarantee it."

"You sound confident just now, Y/N. I like that. Well then, I'm looking forward to it. Bye, and I love you." She said in a sweet voice, which never fails to make him blush as usual.

"I love you too. Bye, Kkura-chan." He replied, as the two of them ended their call.

"I did sound confident when I said that, but look at me now. I don't even have anything planned yet, and I have to rely on someone else's opinion about it. If Sakura finds out, I think she'll be disappointed in me."

Just as he was pondering as to what he can do, a girl the same age as him suddenly entered the coffee shop, with her eyes fixated on him for some reason.

Y/N, who was still occupied with his own thoughts, didn't notice her until she sat in front of him.

"Oh, I'm sorry miss, but I'm waiting for my friends right now, and that is their seat. No offense, but I think it's improper for you to sit in an already occupied table." He said to her in a serious manner.

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