Chapter 38: Closure

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Hyewon's mind is filled with uncertainty, as she sat just beside Y/N at a bench near their meeting place. It was already late in the afternoon, and that even she could feel the fresh autumn wind gently blowing past them, a clear indication of how much time had passed since they last talked to each other.

However, not even her usual cool demeanor could hide what she's feeling at that moment, which continued to beguile her thoughts ever since she received his message. It was all too sudden, as she didn't even know that he was already back in Seoul until yesterday. Not even Wonwoo or Yena informed her that he had returned, which led her to think that she's the only one who knows that he's already here.

Right now, she wanted to say something to him, but somehow she can't find the right words to say what she wanted to tell him for a long time. A part of her is saying that her well-kept secret is the sole reason why they are both meeting today, and that the day had finally arrived when she will have to tell him the whole truth.

She had already expected that this day would come sooner or later. For her, it would seem that even though she already tried to run away from her past before, fate has a way of forcing her to confront it once again.

A whole ten minutes had passed, and yet neither of them can mutter a word apart from their initial greeting. Hyewon is beginning to feel tense, unsure as to what will happen to them next now that they're here. But as much as she wants to find the answers, Hyewon knows that she must wait for a little longer.

She then chuckled a bit, as Y/N noticed her doing so, which made him embarrassed.

"I....I'm sorry, Hyewon-ah. Guess I made you feel awkward by being silent just now." He began, as Hyewon gave him a smile.

"Hehe. It's okay, Y/N. But I have to ask you something. Am I the only one who knows that you're back here in Seoul?"

"Yes that's right. I have my reasons as to why I didn't inform the others yet, but I'll explain to you later. Also, I should thank you for keeping it a secret for now."

"Oh, don't mention it. Actually, I realized it as well when I got your message. If they know you're here, then they would be the first ones to tell me about it too, and that includes Kkura, so......"

Hyewon paused for a moment after she said Sakura's name, for she was reminded of what happened between them after Y/N was still in a coma. It was unfortunate that the truth about her past would cause them their friendship, and that she regrets ever committing such a mistake. But then, she knew that what's done is done. All her hopes now lay with Y/N, the very person who may help with her predicament.

Y/N noticed this as well, and this was proof enough that Minju's words were true. He never wanted their friends to drift apart because of this misunderstanding, and the only way he can correct this mistake is by making his decision, one that will allow him to choose whom his heart dictates.

"Umm, first of all, I'm sorry for inviting you all of a sudden, Hyewon-ah. It's already the middle of the second term, and that you have a lot of stuff to do, especially with your studies. But still, thank you for being here. I want to make it up to you somehow, and for that I just thought of something. Since it's already late in the afternoon and that we already had our lunch, why don't we have some dessert instead? I know an ice cream shop near here, so I was wondering if you'd like to go there with me."

"An ice cream shop sounds nice, Y/N. All right, let's go."

All of a sudden, Y/N took the initiative and held Hyewon's hand, which caught the latter by surprise. She didn't expect for him to do this, but at the same time, she loved the feeling of him making such a gesture for her to feel safe. It's something that he did for her countless times before, one that's she's always so thankful for every time.

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