Chapter 16: Resolve

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"Yes, that's right. With my help, we can still change what's about to happen. All I want is your permission."

The stranger's words began to instill fear into Hyewon's mind, for she knew exactly what they are capable of.

However, this was not the time for her to feel intimidated by their presence. Calming her senses, Hyewon began to speak to them.

"You, why are you here? What do you want from me?" She said with an angry tone.

"Well well, this is the first time we spoke to each other in years, and this is how you greet me? I'm a bit disappointed, really." The stranger replied, as they took a seat on the bench nearby.

"Come here, I just wanted to talk to you. Don't worry. I won't do anything to him, at least not yet. That much, I can assure you. Now calm down." They gestured for Hyewon to take a seat next to them.

Without any choice, she complied. Deep down, she could still feel the ominous aura that surrounds this person, which made her doubt if they actually meant what they said.

"So, how are things? It's been a while since our last encounter. I never thought that you would make such a radical decision when you left your home. I guess it's a good thing, isn't it? To live here, I mean."

"That's none of your business. I made that choice a long time ago, for I knew it was the right thing to do at that time. Since then, I have no regrets, and I'm happy with the life that I have now. The only thing I regret is that I miss my family because of it, but they understood my reasons." Hyewon said, as the stranger felt that she was telling the truth. They can feel the sincerity within her words, and yet, they knew that she still had some lingering doubts about a certain someone.

"I believe you. When you made that choice, I knew the very reason why you did it. For certain, the feeling of regret still resides within you, and I can feel that even now. For years, you succeeded in trying to avoid that part of your life, but despite this, who knew that the two of you would meet again. Fate can be a fickle thing sometimes." The stranger said with a grin.

Hyewon knew that no matter how much she denies it, the feelings of sadness and longing still remain in her heart. After all these years, she thought that she had already left her past behind. The pain that surrounds it were still too much for her to bear. But now, it's as if destiny was both kind and cruel to her, for it managed to find a way for her to see him again.

"You see? You can never lie to me, Kang Hyewon. Deny all you want, but in truth, you still want him to be with you. I can understand that. Even up to this day, he's still the most important person to you. That young man deserves to feel the genuine love that only you can give him. No one can do that except for you." The stranger said, but this only served to infuriate her.

"How dare you say something like that? Yes, you are right that I still have feelings for him. Maybe I can never move on from him, but I'm all right with that. I had my chance to be with him, to show him how much he means to me. But what did I do? I ruined everything. That mistake forever severed my chances to be with him. But you know what, I can live with that. I deserve to be punished for what I've done. I don't care whether I'll spend my whole life suffering like this. But that's fine with me. It will serve as a reminder of the mistakes I made, which I vow not to repeat again."

After she said this, the stranger simply applauded her, albeit mockingly.

"Impressive. After all these years, you still hang unto that belief that you don't deserve a chance to be together with him again. Hyewon, you do know that for every mistake, there is always a chance for redemption. Everyone, including you, has a right to have that opportunity. You know that what I'm saying is the truth. I'm telling you this because I only want what's best for you. I can't-, no, I won't ever allow myself to see you in pain, all because you can't let go of him. Forgive me, but I just want to ask you one simple question."

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