Chapter 32: Nightglow

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"Whoa. This place looks so fancy, Y/N." Sakura said as she and Y/N arrived at the hotel restaurant's entrance.

"Yes it is, Kkura. But to be honest, I already expected it to look like this based on the pictures from their website. Still, it feels different to see it up close. Now we know why they set a dress code that their guests must follow."

"I agree. Hmm, it looks like the others aren't here yet. Should we wait for them here?"

"No, it's okay if we head inside first. I'll just tell the receptionist that they'll be arriving soon." Y/N assured her.

"Right. Let's go then."

Guided by the waiter, the two of them went towards their reserved table in order to wait for both Minju and their other friends to join them.

"Good afternoon to both of you. Here's the menu. Once you have decided, just ring this bell over here." He said to them.

"We will, thank you." Sakura politely replied as the waiter turns to leave.

"All right, Kkura. I'll let you decide what we'll all have for this afternoon."

"Are you sure, Y/N?"

"Of course. Consider this a part of my treat for everyone, especially for you. Go ahead and choose."

"Well if you say so. But I think I'll just wait for Hyewon instead. I trust her when it comes to picking the best foods to eat. Still, you can be really sweet and thoughtful sometimes." Kkura teased him.

"Hold on. Only sometimes?"

"Haha, just kidding! You always look after me, and I appreciate it very much. It's just one of the things I like about you."

"O-oh, umm, thanks, hehe. That means a lot coming from you."

The two shared a laugh afterwards, as Minju and their friends soon arrived.

"Well, well, you two must be having a good time, judging from the looks on your faces. That's great." Wonwoo told the couple.

"I guess we are. What about you, Wonwoo?"

"Uhh, let's just say that things are a.....little awkward for me right now." He said, as Yena glared at him.

"What do you mean by that?" Sakura asked.

"Hmph. I better keep an eye on him the whole night, unnie. Our room has only one bed, but fortunately it's big enough so I can put a "barrier" between us before we sleep." Yena explained to them.

"Come on, Yena-ssi. Can't you have a little trust in me?"

"Nope. Never in a million years, pabo. Deal with it." Yena said to him, making the others laugh as they all sat together at the table.

"All right, that's enough teasing him, everyone. What about you two?" Y/N asked while looking at Minju and Hyewon.

"Our room has an excellent view of the city below, oppa. Hyewon-unnie and I both like it! She began taking pictures the moment we went inside. She even took some photos with me as well!" Minju cheerfully said to them.

"Really? Well thanks for taking care of her, Hyewon-ah. She might misbehave sometimes, but she's a very kind girl."

"Yah, that's not true, oppa! I can be prim and proper if I want to!"

Sentimentality (Sakura x Male Reader x Hyewon)Where stories live. Discover now