18. an uneasy feeling

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"oi, wake up." i stir in my sleep from the feeling of someone shaking my body, slowly i sit up and rub my eyes, in front of me sat suigetsu who was smirking at me, it has been 2 days since we 'captured' the 8 tails,

"what is it suigetsu?" i raise an eyebrow at him "i'm going to retrieve my executioners blade" "what's that have to do with me?" i look at him tiredly "you're not really doing anything here" he continues grinning and grabs my hand, dragging me out "hey! let me get changed first!" i shout at him angrily but he just ignores me and throws an akatsuki robe at me "just wear this." i groan in annoyance but still put the robe on and walk with him.

"i'm guessing it's in the water" i kneel down at the edge of the water where we fought killer bee "yeah, i'll go get it you wait here." i nod as he jumps in the water.

after a couple of minutes i felt a warm hand on my shoulder, i turn around in surprise to see a very red haired boy "huh? sasori?" i look at him in confusion "yes brat, now what are you doing here." "oh, just getting something, where's your akatsuki robe?" i tilt my head at him "awhile after the trip to the hot springs, i left the akatsuki along with deidara" my eyes widen slightly "why's that?" "if you haven't already noticed i am back in my human body which means i have human emotions again" i stand up and begin to pinch his cheeks "uwa! it's true!" i smile in excitement and continue to poke his flesh "would you stop that, brat" he glares at me "ehe..sorry" i step away while scratching the back of my neck.

"where's deidara?" i look around with my byakugan activated "right here, un!" i look up to see deidara falling down from a clay bird, after he lands he looks up at me and embraces me in a hug causing me to blush "d-deidara?" i question his actions "i've had time to change so i'm not as arrogant as i used to be, un" he pulls away and scratches his cheek with a smile "y/n?" suigetsu's voice distracts us all "who are these people?" he climbs out of the water with the executioner's blade in hand "they are previous akatsuki members, deidara and sasori" i motion a hand in their direction.

"anyways, who else is left in the akatsuki?" i distract sasori from deidara and suigetsu's bickering "the only others who left were kakuzu and hidan, they disappeared while hunting the 9 tails" i nod in understanding "i hope you 2 stay safe, me and suigetsu should be leavi-" i drop to the ground and hold my head that was throbbing 'kakashi's chakra! it's gone?! as well as other shinobi's!' my breathing became heavy and off beat "y/n?!" the 3 boys all kneel down to see if i was ok "sorry...i have to go, right now!" i perform 2 hand signs quickly and disappear, leaving the 3 boys confused.

i let out a gasp, my eyes nearly falling out of their sockets, "what happened...to the village" my eyes scan over the giant hole in the ground 'i should've teleported to kakashi, where is he?!' i turn around in a panic, however i was unable to find him even with my byakugan.

before i could worry about kakashi anymore i'm distracted by a sudden increase in chakra from behind me 'the 9 tails?!' at the bottom of the pit stood naruto who was covered in the 9 tails cloak

"y/n?!" again i turn around quickly to see sakura on the ground next to katsuyu "sakura what's going on?!" i run over to her, "it's pain...he attacked the village" i click my tongue 'maybe if i..no that doesn't matter right now' i nod and stand up "sakura, i'm going to teleport all the civilians and injured shinobu to a safe place, will you be able to start healing right away?" she looks at me surprised but hesitantly nods "stay here" i jump away and head towards the area above the hokage's heads.

"i've never done this before, so i need to be prepared for the backlash" i take in a deep breath and perform two hand signs then close my eyes to concentrate, in a mere 5 seconds every single villager as well as injured shinobi appeared all sat on the ground confused, a quick sting of pain shoots through my body causing me to fall "having so much chakra taken in an instant sure hurts..." i mumble then stand up.

a second chance (naruto!various x femreader)Where stories live. Discover now