15. i'm sorry

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"you ready?" i stare at itachi who nods "alright." after making sure itachi had a hand on my shoulder i form 2 hand signs and we disappear.

it had only been a few days since itachi's fight with sasuke, he was nearly healed thanks to y/n's medical skills and knowledge. during those few days itachi had begun teaching y/n about the sharingan and its powers.

there was a poof of smoke and once it cleared i could see a dirt path and a wooden fence. "h-huh?" i quickly grab itachi and turn around "kiba?" i stare at the wolf like boy, slightly confused "b-" i cut him off "where's shino?" i tilt my head a bit before looking around, "i'm here.." a gruff voice mumbles, standing under the tree was a very familiar covered up face "ah! i have to go see tsunade" i spin on my heel and run off, dragging poor itachi behind me.

" a gruff voice mumbles, standing under the tree was a very familiar covered up face "ah! i have to go see tsunade" i spin on my heel and run off, dragging poor itachi behind me

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i slam open the door to the hokages office, not even bothering to knock. "hah?!" tsunade slams her hands onto the desk and stands up with an angry face "tsunade, it's important" i shut the door quickly "i'd prefer if you would knock next time." she grumbles while taking a seat, however she shoots back up once i pull itachi in front of me, "y/n?! what's the meaning of this!?" she glares at me and itachi "i am here..to explain everything that has happened, right from the beginning..." itachi sighs and opens his mouth to speak again however i reach a hand up to his shoulder, stopping him "before that..." i hesitate for a moment but still step forward, looking tsunade right in the eyes "jiraiya...is dead." her eyes widen and she freezes "w..what?" i bite my lip to stop myself from crying

"when i was sent to that cemetery of my clan, i learnt more than a few jutsus, one of them showed me how to put a chakra type mark on someone which then allowed me to teleport to them as well as teleport them to me." she nods "before i left to help naruto with the 3 tails, i had put a mark on jiraiya. around 10 days ago something told me to summon him, but when i did..." i clench my teeth and fists in slight anger "he was missing his left arm, his voice box was severely damaged and on top of that there were 5 black rods sticking out of his back." i take in a deep breath to calm my emotions "i...see...." she whispers in a shakey voice. she then sends me out of her office with the flick of her wrists.

the door opens as itachi comes out, he gives me a nod so i sit up from my chair and walk back into her office.

"i thought over on the jutsu you mentioned. i think it would be best if you mark every one inside this village." i stare at her with a tired look "do you think you can do that" she looks back up at me with dull sad eyes "i can, but afterwards i wish to be able to head out and gather information on sasuke." she looks at me questionably, i sigh and begin to explain about what happened while i was gone.

i yawn while lifting my hand up to knock on another door, so i can yet again use my justsu.

-timeskip 2 days later-

i jog towards tsunade's office, having been summoned to talk to naruto, sai and sakura about jiraiya's death.


"jiraiya boy has died in battle with the leader of the akatsuki, pain." the small green frog sighs, i glance in naruto's direction to see his eyes widen, i shut mine and turn away.

not too long after tsunade mentions how i had teleported jiraiya's body to me which causes everyone to look in my direction, the room soon grew silent, naruto was the first to say something "why..why didn't you heal him?" he stares at me with a blank and shocked face "i.." i look away from him, feeling guilty that i couldn't do anything "why didn't you bring him back here!" naruto had stepped forward and grabbed roughly onto my shoulders "why didn't you do anything!" he shouts at me with an angry face "naruto stop." kakashi and sai stepped forward to pull naruto away from me "you're the reason pervy sage died.." naruto spits under his breath, this causes my eyes to widen in surprise "i...i'm sorry." i look away from everyone with watery eyes and storm out of the hokage's office.


i stood at the gates of konoha, getting ready to leave but i'm stopped by a hand grabbing mine, turning around i stare at clear white/purple eyes "neji?" i question him "you have been going in and out of the village so much lately, i haven't had the chance to talk to you" he bluntly states "oh..you're right, i've been on a mission with you before but other than that.." i hum "right now though, i really have to go" i smile and scratch the back of my neck, feeling a little bit mean for rejecting his offer. "i see." he nods as i turn around and leave the village.

felt like making this chapter slightly depressing.

a second chance (naruto!various x femreader)Where stories live. Discover now