7. kakashi sensei's test!

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i sit at my small dining table thinking if i should or shouldn't listen to kakashi, i grab the book i 'borrowed' from the hokage and open it to kakashi's page "so he's never once passed any of his students..." i sigh and continue to look through the rest of his information "oh his sensei was the 4th hokage?" i close the book deciding i could do without breakfast and save it for dinner instead.

"tch, not that stupid 4th idiot."
rinen grumbles.


i had arrived a little late at the spot kakashi asked us to meet "y/n! you're here finally" naruto shouts my name as i come into view "uh yeah, where's our sensei though?" i scan the area for any sign of our sensei "he's late too" sakura buts in walking over to me and naruto

"ah, hi there kids" me and naruto turn around to see kakashi behind us lifting his hand up in and attempt to wave "you're late!!" naruto and sakura yell in unison "a black cat just happened to cross my path this morning....anyways today's assignment will be to take these bell's away from me by noon-" after that i zoned out and begun to think of ways to get the bells from him.

i'm brung back to reality when naruto suddenly rushes towards kakashi with a kunai in his left hand 'eh did we start already?' i look around only to see sasuke and sakura still standing next to me looking shocked at the fact naruto had just charged in, 'this is a good time' i turn around slightly pretending to look behind me and quickly summon a clone, while kakashi somehow managed to appear behind naruto and was now holding naruto's left arm behind his head, the kunai still in naruto's hand "i do believe i hadn't said go yet.." kakashi sighs and lets go of him who jumps back to where the three of us were still standing.

"now...start!" as soon as kakashi spoke up sakura and sasuke jump into the trees while me and naruto just stand there "y/n stand back" naruto ushers me to move further behind him so i do, he then charges at kakashi (again) and tries to grab the bells a few times, when kakashi knocks naruto back he pulls out a book...to be more specific an adult book

"h-hey what's with the book?" "i was curious as to what happens next, even if i'm reading it won't make any difference when fighting you guys" i notice naruto clench his fists as he runs at our sensei seemingly angry however kakashi comes up behind him with his hands already in a hand sign "naruto get out of their quickly you'll die!" i hear a squeaky voice yell from within the bushes "secret ultimate taijutsu! one thousand years of death!" kakashi had put his hands up uh...yeah and launched naruto right off into the nearby lake.

kakashi turns around to look at me putting his hands in the same position he did when using that 'secret' technique "would you like to be next" he closes his eyes, i believe smiling from under his mask "that's sexual assault sensei!" he starts to lose his composure a bit "a-ah well if you put it that way..." i notice beads of sweat dripping down his exposed forehead taking this as a chance the clone i made earlier sneaks up behind kakashi grabbing both his arms, he looks at me slightly surprised as i skip towards him but when i reach for the bell there's a poof of smoke, replacing kakashi was a piece of wood 'replacement jutsu?' i look around searching for kakashi "so i guess you really wanted a turn too huh?" i turn my head to see kakashi kneeling behind me his hands already in the same hand sign as before 'shit!' i quickly use the replacement jutsu and then jump off into the woods, making sure i can still see him.


its been a little while since i tried to get the bells from kakashi and so far i haven't found another opportunity to try and get them from him.

i look around and see sasuke not to far from me 'perhaps if we work together' i head over towards sasuke quietly and then reach my hand out to tap his shoulder but before i can touch him he grabs my hand and pins me to the tree (ur sitting on a branch) "oh, it was just you" he moves back letting my hands go "i...was going to suggest that maybe all 4 of us should work together..." i play with my fingers feeling rather awkward talking to sasuke like this "work together? but there's still only 2 bells" he looks at me like i'm a total idiot "well, i don't mind missing out on lunch, that doesn't matter, ok so now i want you to go find sakura and tell her that we should work together and i'll look for naruto ok?" i hop off once i see him nod his head slightly.


after hopping from tree to tree i see a head of white hair in the distance 'sensei?' i slow myself down and creep up behind him but before i attack him i take a peak at the book he's reading. after going over a few lines my face begins to heat up "s...sensei you pervert!" i yell right in his ear startling him causing him to fall off the tree "o-ow y/n why were you reading my book?" he stares up at me with a bored/annoyed look "well i-i was going to s-sneak up on you and saw the contents of the book by a-accident!" my face got redder upon remember what was written in that book "oh could it be you want to read it with me?" i can hear his voice sound slightly mischievous "as if pervert!" i yell then throw 3 kunai's at him and jump away to continue looking for naruto.

"where is he?!" i just couldn't find naruto and it was almost noon, i sigh finally giving up and make my way back to where we all started.

when i got there i saw kakashi standing with naruto next to him who was tied to one of the wooden stumps already "nice of you to join us y/n" kakashi 'smiles' at me "yeah yeah.." feeling tired i go and sit at one of the stumps next to naruto "are you voluntarily letting yourself be tied to the stump?" kakashi looks at me confused "ah, i already ate today" i grin at him

"tsk tsk, lying to your sensei?"

i mentally sigh annoyed with rinen's comment "if you say so" kakashi brings me back to reality as he ties me to the stump "what y/n you already ate!? you should've asked me to eat with you" i look at naruto who starts pouting, i laugh "sorry naruto i'll make sure to do that next time" i close my eyes to relax for a bit.

"ah sakura, sasuke glad to see you two here" kakashi hands the two the bento boxes "huh why do we get them?" sakura stares at kakashi wearily, "i just want to say that you all still fail this test, this test was meant to be about teamwork and none of you even tried to do that" he sighs 'i mean i did..' "and well someone has to have those lunches, now i'm going to uh..go do a few things i'll be back soon oh and don't give these two any of your lunch" with that our sensei disappears.

i had closed my eyes again for a bit, but open them after hearing a ruckus "really sakura-chan?! well if you say so, ahhhh" i look over to see sakura giving naruto some of her lunch 'hm that's cute' i feel something poke my cheek and turn to see sasuke holding some food in front of my face "ah not hungry" i shake my head at him groOowl i feel my face heat up "not hungry eh?" i see him smirk at me "shut up..." i open my mouth a bit so he can feed me but before i can get a bite of anything "what're you 4 doing" kakashi suddenly appears standing behind sakura and sasuke
"you said we should be working as a team didn't you?!" sakura turns around to yell at him "yeah!" naruto adds "well guess what." he starts to look menacing and scary "you all..." the tension made us all sweat "pass!" he smiles innocently "w-what?!" naruto and sakura yell.


after kakashi had passed us all and told us when we would start our first mission then he dismissed us.

i was walking around the streets of konoha taking my time getting home "Y/N!! WAIT UP!" i turn around to see naruto waving his hand at me "what's wrong?" i tilt my head "you didn't get to-" he gets cut off by someone else's voice "y/n" i turn around again to see sasuke 'what the? both of them?'

"hey sasuke i was talking to y/n first!" naruto walks over to sasuke "guys can you just tell me what it is you want so i can go home?" i put my hands on both of their chests "do you want to come eat with me!" they say at the exact same time "huh?" "you didn't get to have anything to eat earlier" naruto looks to the side a slight blush on his cheeks "oh ah..i don't have enough for any food so i'll have to pass-" "i'll pay for you" i look at sasuke surprised "n-no i don't want to be a bother" i shake my hands in front of me "aw come on y/n" i see naruto grab my hand "hn." sasuke grabs my other hand and they both drag me off to go eat with them.
'maybe this isn't so bad...' i think while staring at both of their backs then smile to myself feeling happy.

ehe, so i think you'll have more moments with other characters at the chunin exams, which will be in a few chapters. but i will have you guys meet two new characters in the next chapter or two 😉 here's a hint it's gonna be two of the akatsuki members.

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