18. akatsuki

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it has been a week after the attack on the leaf village, during said attack not only did we lose many shinobi...we also lost the hokage and because of that we needed a new hokage. "jiraiya, can i come with you and naruto to find tsunade?" i look up at the pervy old man "uh, if you really want to then i guess it's fine" a little confused he shrugs and goes back to peeking or should i say doing his research "pervy sage!" naruto comes running over "we're leaving the village soon right? right?" he says overly excited "yeah..but we also have someone else joining us now" he points at me "oh wow! y/n you're coming too!" naruto smiles, becoming even more excited "you better hurry up and go get packed!" he shouts while running off towards his apartment "jiraiya?" i look back up at the old sage who hums "won't orochimaru go to tsunade to get healed?" he seemed surprised for a second "how do you know so much kid?" he looks at me skeptically "i borrow books from the hokage sometimes" i smile cheekily before jumping up and heading home to pack a few things.


standing at the gates of the village ready to leave, naruto finally arrived carrying a giant bag of luggage on his back "naruto..i don't think we'll be that long" i sweat drop at the size of his backpack 'did he pack his whole house or something??' rolling my eyes i walk out of the village with the two boys behind me.


we had made it to a small village nearby, jiraiya left to go do research so me and naruto were left in the room we payed for, yawning i sit myself on one of the 2 beds "ugh that damn sage.." naruto pouts and sits on the other bed "i know right?" crossing my arms over my chest, i sit up and pout with naruto

knock knock

"hm? is he back already" i tilt my head while looking at naruto who stands up and goes to open the door. after naruto opened the door he stood there for awhile seemingly frozen "naruto who is it?" i get off the bed and walk over to him, upon reaching the door i could see who was on the other side "i..itachi?" my eyes widen at the long black haired boy who was dressed in the same cloak as those two weirdos i met awhile ago

"so she's here too" itachi moves his gaze to me  "would you two like to come take a walk with me" instead of a question it sounded more like demand "tachi can we just grab the 9 tails and leave?" a second voice speaks up and appears in the door way "huh? oh isn't that kid he wanted to join us?" a blue tall man with gills on his cheeks looks at me, 'i've seen him in the bingo book before..'

i snap myself out of my frozen state and get in front of naruto, quickly pulling out a kunai "i'm not letting you take naruto itachi, kisame." i glare fiercely at the two "how's this kid know who i am" kisame points at me obviously confused "ITACHIII!" sasuke's voice comes in to play as he runs at itachi from down the hall, "sasuke!?" i step out of the room and into the hallway only to see sasuke pinned to the wall by itachi who had used a genjutsu on him. sasuke suddenly screams and collapses to the ground, a poof of smoke distracts me "pervy sage!" naruto shouts from behind me at jiraiya who was carrying a woman on his back, itachi and kisame had put their guards up after jiraiya's arrival, who had casted a weird jutsu i didn't know of. "kisame, we must leave now." itachi states calmly turning to run away but quickly he looks at me before leaving.


"jiraiya." my tone of voice was serious as well as my fierce glare "i've seen people dressed in those cloaks before, who're they?" jiraiya looked surprised "they're from a group called the akatsuki but who are these people you saw before?" his tone was also very serious "it was while i was on a mission with my team, there were two of them one had blonde hair that covered his left eye, the other looked..creepy and was hunched over" he stops for a moment to think "i think you should stay back at the village y/n" i jump up "what why?!" i yell at him angrily "i have my reasons." his voice sounded cold and demanding "fine..." i grab my bag and walk back to the village still feeling grumpy.


once i got back i quickly headed home to unpack my bag. once that was done i put on some more comfortable clothes and left to go see how sasuke was doing at the hospital, as well as kakashi.

"hm? oh sakura" when i walked into sasuke's room i saw sakura sitting next to him looking sadly at him "y/n? aren't you meant to be with naruto?" she rubs her eyes and stands up "ah yeah..some things happened so i had to come back anyways how is sasuke?" she looks down with a sad face "they said he'll be unconscious for awhile.." i sigh and look at him "i'm sure he'll be fine soon, don't worry" putting a hand on sakura's head i smile warmly at her "i'm gonna go check on kakashi now too so cya" i wave at her and leave the room, heading towards kakashi's.

"kakas-" i stupidly decided to not knock and just barge in, "ah..." kakashi stares at me sweating viscously, he was sitting up in the bed, his shirt pulled up over his chest "ahem.." he pulls the shirt down quickly "it'd be great if you could knock next time.." he stares at my slightly flushed face "m-my bad..but i came here to see if you were ok and it seems like you are so i'll just go!" i quickly close the door and storm off.


"lee's here too isn't he?" i slowed myself down and came to a stop "i should visit him" i face the wall and activate my byakugan, 'there he is' i deactivated my byakugan and jog off in the direction of lee's hospital room.

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