4.the uchiha brothers!

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after talking more with the hokage he informed me that i wasn't allowed to train my kekkei genkai until i had become a genin, so after asking him more questions about this village i was eventually given a map and a place where i would be staying i was told it was a small apartment close to the uchiha clan.


after a bit of wondering around i finally found the apartment and hurried into my new room, it was small and simple seeing as i was still only a child, it had a small kitchen connected to the living room and a door that was behind the living room. i emptied what little clothes and utilities i had brought with me, finally pleased with the way i rearranged the furniture i grabbed a hoodie from my room, deciding to go explore the village and maybe grab a bite to eat.


this village was huge! it had almost been an hour since i left my new apartment to go explore. although the uchiha clan was next to where i lived i decided to check it out after exploring the rest of the village because i was unsure if i could enter it.

sighing i look at the entry to the uchiha clan but as i was about to walk in i feel a hand on my shoulder "y/n why're you going into our clan?" i turn around quickly to see itachi who was accompanied by another boy who looked to be the same age as me "o-oh i was just exploring the village so i wouldn't get lost in the future" i smile at him then focus my attention on the boy next to itachi who seems to notice where i was staring and speaks up "this is my younger brother, sasuke. sasuke this is y/n she's new to the village" itachi puts his hand on sasuke's head and squats so he's able to look at his face "hello y/n!" sasuke comes over to me and puts out his hand, i take his hand and shake it while examining his features, looking at them both i could definitely tell they were related sasuke had the same black hair as itachi except it wasn't as long, their eyes were also rather similar. sasuke snaps me out of my thoughts as he speaks up while grabbing my hand "here come with me and i'll show you around!" he begins to run off causing me to stumble a bit before managing to run with him.

"and this is my house!" sasuke pointed up at a building with a smile on his face "uwaaa it looks so big" i turn towards sasuke to see him looking at me with a rather noticeable blush "hey can we go inside" i say deciding to ignore his pink cheeks "u-uh yeah come on!"he jogs toward the door still holding my hand, "ah but take off your shoes first please" i look down to see him taking off his shoes "ok" i slip off my sandals and step into the house while sasuke closes the door behind us "its even bigger inside!" i look around, my eyes sparkling at how big his house was. "mama! i'm home!" sasuke calls out wondering into what i guessed was the kitchen so i quickly ran over to follow him.

upon entering the kitchen i saw sasuke hugging an older woman who i believe is his mother, after sasuke lets go then turns around to see me "ah, mama! this is y/n she's my new friend"  i walk over towards him and his mother "hello miss, it's nice to meet you" i bow slightly then look back up at her "i haven't seen you around you must be new here" she kneels down to pat my head "can y/n stay over tonight?" 'he didn't even ask if i wanted to stay...but it's better than being alone' "of course she can sweetheart"


after playing a few games with sasuke his mother had finally called us downstairs to have dinner. when we got downstairs there was an older man sitting at the head of the table 'he looks like itachi and sasuke' i stare at him and bow getting slightly intimidated by his fierce stare "you must be y/n" he says so i nod my head. i look around to see itachi also seated at the table, he notices that i'm looking at him "hey y/n come sit next to me" he taps the seat next to him while smiling at me "okay!" i happily walk over to the seat next to itachi and sit down "aww but i was going to ask y/n to sit next to me" sasuke pouts and crosses his arms while taking the seat that was in front of me "well maybe you can invite y/n over again and then you can sit next to her" mrs uchiha says setting down the plates of food then sitting next to sasuke.

after dinner sasuke dragged me up to his room seeing as thats where i would be sleeping for tonight "here you can sleep on this side" he pointed to the side closest to the wall so i climbed over to that side of the bed while he got in after me. i lay facing the wall for a bit before turning over only to come face to face with sasuke, the moonlight shining in from the window lit up his face just enough for me to see that his eyes were open, as well as the very red blush spreading over his face suddenly he turns over quickly his back facing me 'is he embarrassed?' deciding to do the same as sasuke i turn over and slowly fall into a deep sleep.

-1 week later-

its been a whole week since i came to konoha, i had been getting along with sasuke and itachi really well as i would frequently stay over at their place. "bye sasuke i'll see you tomorrow" i smile while waving at sasuke who was staying back at school to do some extra training "bye y/n!".

i happily skip down the streets of konoha until i accidentally bump into someone causing me to fall over "ouch..." i look up to see itachi looking at me slightly surprised "ah sorry y/n i didn't see you there" he holds out his hand to help me up "no it's my fault i wasn't looking where i was going" i grab his hand pulling on it to stand up, after i got up i feel arms wrap around me and pull me closer "i'm sorry y/n" i hear itachi's voice whisper in my ear, with that he pulled away and walked off 'that was weird..' i brush it off and continue walking home feeling hungry for some instant ramen.

maybe if i stayed and tried to talk to him then that night might've not happened.

sorry its only been sasuke and itachi so far.

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